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分类号编号07 南方医科大学 本科毕业论文 基于交易费用理论对互联网医疗中网络售药的研究 Based on the theory of transaction cost for the research of selling drugs on the internet-medical 指导教师姓名 单位名称及地址 南方医科大学人文与管理学院 专业名称 经济学(医药贸易与管理) 论文提交日期 2015年5月25日 论文答辩日期 2015年5月30日 答辩委员会主席 论文评阅人 2015年5月25日 南方医科大学2015届经济学本科专业 毕业论文 基于交易费用理论对互联网医疗中网络售药的研究 Based on the theory of transaction cost for the research of selling drugs on the internet-medical 专业名称:经济学(医药贸易与管理方向) 学位申请人: 指导老师: 答辩委员会主席: 答辩委员会成员: 姚卫光、高其法、 2015年 5月 25 日广州 摘 要 “互联网+”的模式盛行,医药电子商务成为热点,使得人们对网络售药极大关注,互联网医疗顺势而起。网络售药相较于传统售药,也有其交易费用的存在,本文将网络售药的交易费用界定为信息收集和投入成本、谈判和决策成本以及监督和事后成本。同时由于消费者对药品信息的理解有限、药品交易过程中投机主义、药品选择复杂的不确定性、专用性投资、信息不对称以及网上购药的气氛等因素的影响造成网络售药和传统药店售药交易费用的不同。其中不确定性和资产专用性因素又起着决定作用。最后,提出网上药店加强服务意识、规范相关监督体系、完善医疗保障体系和网上药店的对接等建议,希望对展开互联网医疗网络售药有一定的帮助。 关键词:交易费用;网络售药;专用性投资;不确定性 ABSTRACT Since the Internet + pattern prevailing, medical e-commerce became hot, make people selling medicine great attention to the network, the Internet conveniently and medical treatment. Network medicine over traditional medicine, also have the existence of the transaction cost, this paper defines transaction costs of network sell drugs for information collection and input costs, negotiation and decision-making cost and supervision, and cost. At the same time due to the limited consumer understanding of drug information, choice of opportunism in the process of drug trade, medicine complex uncertainty, specific investment, information asymmetry, and the atmosphere of the online purchase medicine caused by the influence of such factors as the network of traditional medicine and pharmacy medicine transaction cost is different. Factors of uncertainty and asset specificity and plays a decisive role. Online pharmacies were made to strengthen the service consciousness, norms related to the supervision system, perfecting the medical security system and docking of online pharmacies and so on, hope to expand Internet medical network medicine has certain help. Key words



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