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基于多路数字无线遥控电路的设计 分 院 电子信息工程学院 专 业 通信工程 班 级 1002 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 完成时间 2014年05月 摘 要 随着电子科学技术迅速发展,各种新型器件,智能化电器及产品在国民经济各个领域和人民生活各个方面得到了日益广泛的应用。为了给消费者提供更多的方便,本论文设计了一款无线遥控节能灯,可以实现中远程控制。当按下遥控A键时一盏灯亮,再按一次灯灭,当按下遥控B键时两盏灯亮,再按一次灯灭,以此类推。通过本次的设计使学生能够全面的巩固和应用数字电路和模拟电路的基本理论知识,来解决生活中的实际问题。根据提出的问题,探索不一样的设计方案。优化并选择较好的方案,为个人今后探索问题解决问题起到启蒙作用。通过查找资料使学生了解了电子技术发展的动向,并启迪了思维,开拓了视野。 关键词:编码;译码;脉冲调制 Abstract With the rapid development of electronic science and technology,a variety of new devices, intelligent appliances and products in all aspects of national tight economy and peoples lives in various fields have been increasingly widely used.The design of the multi-channel wireless remote control AT89C2051-based energy-saving light controller separately from the power section, the transmitter, receiver,control section and drive components. Circuit has a high degree of confidentiality remote stable and reliable performance from employees and static low power consumption, to achieve multi-channel switches and other controls remote cheap price, stable and reliable,and the space is small, beautiful appearance, there are four buttons. Through this design enables students to fully consolidate the basic theoretical knowledge and application of digital and analog circuits, and power electronic control devices designed to be simple to use and solve real-life problems.Students can think independently to solve problems and analyze problems.According to the issues raised, to explore different design. Find information by electronic technology to enable students to understand the trends in the development of enlightened thinking, broaden their horizons. Keywords: Coding;Decoding;Pulse modulation 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 现代无线遥控技术 2 2.1 无线电遥控 2 2.2 红外无线遥控 3 2.3 声波触发遥控 3 3 遥控系统设计 3 3.1 系统构架的设计 3 3.2 发射编码模块 5 3.3 发射系统模块 7 3.4 接收解码模块 9 4 控制系统设计 11 4.1 控制芯片系统 11 4.2 软件控制的编程实现 12 5 电源系统设计 14 5.1 降压整流电路 14 5.3 稳压电路 17 6 驱动系统设计 18 6.1 继电器选用 18 6.2 整机原理 20 7 系统调试 21 总 结 21 参考文献 23 致



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