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南京农业大学学报  2004 , 27 (3) : 139~141   Journal of N anjin g A gricultural U niversity 中华鳖胃黏膜和胃腺上皮细胞的超微结构 苏泽红, 陈晓武, 陈秋生 (南京农业大学动物医学院 , 江苏 南京 210095) 摘要 : 用透射电子显微镜观察 15 只健康中华鳖的胃黏膜上皮和腺上皮细胞的超微构造。结果显示 , 胃黏膜上皮为单层 高柱状 , 细胞上部胞质中充满黏液性颗粒 , 其形状多样化 ; 上皮中有少量淡染的亮细胞 , 其结构与周围细胞基本相同 , 只是数量有差异; 上皮细胞之间具有明显的细胞连接。胃腺上皮细胞还未分化为独立的主细胞和盐酸细胞 , 但腺体细胞 的结构同时具备两种细胞的特征 , 即既有发达的细胞内小管和丰富的线粒体 , 又有大量膜包分泌颗粒和粗面内质网。上 述结果表明 , 中华鳖胃黏膜上皮具有分泌黏液的细胞结构; 一种胃腺细胞可同时执行分泌盐酸和胃蛋白酶原的功能。 关键词 : 中华鳖; 胃黏膜; 胃腺; 上皮细胞 ; 超微结构 中图分类号: Q9596 + 3 ; Q95464    文献标识码 : A    文章编号 : 1000 2030 (2004) 03 0139 03 Ultra structure of mucous membrane and glandular epithelium of stomach in softshelled turtle , Trionyx sinensis SU Zehong , CHEN Xiaowu , CHEN Qiusheng (Department of Veterinary Medicine , Nanjin g Agricultural University , Nanjin g 210095 , China) Abstract : Ultrastructure of the epithelial cells of stomach mucous membrane and gland in 15 softshelled turtles , T rionyx sinen sis , was studied by transmission electron microscope. It was revealed that the lumen of the stomach was lined by high columnar epithelium with numerous mucigen granules in the upper part of its cells. Some lightstained cells interspersed among the columnar cells , which were similar with other epithelial cells in structures but different in numbers. Cell conjunctions occurred between the adjacent epithelial cells. The structure of the stomach glands in different parts did not show obvious difference. Stomach gland cells had not differentiated


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