Chromasens 3D相机.ppt

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Chromasens 3D相机

PIXA family basic features Overview Customer benefit 1/2 Benefit 2/2 Functional principle Stereo approach: Principle Stereo approach: Principle Stereo approach: Correspondence Stereo approach: Correspondence Samples Samples: Euro coin Samples: Euro coin Samples: banknote in-taglio print System options 1/2 System options 1/2 System options 1/2 当3D遇到色彩 3D stereo camera Stereo line scan camera 3D data and color image simultaneously 3D-PIXA Features CCD: tri-linear color line scan sensor 10 μm pixel size Resolutions: 7300 @ 22 kHz 4096 @ 36 kHz 2048 @ 66 kHz 1024 @ 100 kHz 3 x 170 MByte/s (=510 MByte/s) CameraLink Medium Stereoscopic approach Calibrated stereo line scan camera Height in real time with GPU Features RGB images and height map Modular system concept for custom specific solutions Quality and performance based on allPIXA Linear movement Surface of object Line-scan camera Height + image Highest resolutions (max 7k per line) Large formats High lateral resolutions Height resolution up to 10x better than lateral resolution Line-scan approach Ideal for fast moving objects Ideal for 100% inspection High speeds (up to 60.000 lines/s) Highly configurable Via lens system Resolution from 10 μm to 700 μm lens defines the resolution Output Color image (rectified) Height map (16 Bit image) Point cloud Stereo correspondence Find corresponding points in both images using correlation (texture based) Result from correlation is disparity map Height is calculated from disparity map using calibration data Correlation is performed on GPU Two images from the same scene Both cameras takes the same scene two different viewing angles One point on the surface P is projected in both images (Pl und Pr) Calculation of height based on triangulation Standard stereo approach Parallel cameras and sensors Object surface P Pl b Z c Left Camera Right camera Pr Z: distance p: Parallax p = xl - xr b: Basis of stereo system c: Image distance P Pl



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