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Chapter objectives Money supply how the banking system “creates” money three ways the Fed can control the money supply why the Fed can’t control it precisely Theories of money demand a portfolio theory a transactions theory: the Baumol-Tobin model Banks’ role in the money supply The money supply equals currency plus demand (checking account) deposits: M = C + D Since the money supply includes demand deposits, the banking system plays an important role. A few preliminaries Reserves (R ): the portion of deposits that banks have not lent. To a bank, liabilities include deposits, assets include reserves and outstanding loans 100-percent-reserve banking: a system in which banks hold all deposits as reserves. Fractional-reserve banking: a system in which banks hold a fraction of their deposits as reserves. SCENARIO 1: No Banks With no banks, D = 0 and M = C = $1000. SCENARIO 2: 100 Percent Reserve Banking After the deposit, C = $0, D = $1000, M = $1000. 100% Reserve Banking has no impact on size of money supply. SCENARIO 3: Fractional-Reserve Banking The money supply now equals $1800: The depositor still has $1000 in demand deposits, but now the borrower holds $800 in currency. SCENARIO 3: Fractional-Reserve Banking The money supply now equals $1800: The depositor still has $1000 in demand deposits, but now the borrower holds $800 in currency. SCENARIO 3: Fractional-Reserve Banking But then Secondbank will loan 80% of this deposit and its balance sheet will look like this: SCENARIO 3: Fractional-Reserve Banking Finding the total amount of money: Original deposit = $1000 + Firstbank lending = $ 800 + Secondbank lending = $ 640 + Thirdbank lending = $ 512 + other lending… Money creation in the banking system A model of the money supply the monetary base, B = C + R controlled by the central bank the reserve-deposit ratio, rr = R/D depends on regulations bank policies the currency-deposit ratio, cr = C/D depend


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