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英语作文范文 相信大家肯定对各种资料、真题的背诵、练习搞的头晕脑胀、心烦意乱,那么你应该很高心看到这篇文章,因为我将告诉你我的记忆方法: 太多的人总是抱怨学不进去,记不住,思维转得慢,大脑不好使,吸取知识的能力太差,学习效率太低。读书的学习不好,经商的赚钱不多!作者本人以前也和读者有着同样的困惑,在我考上公务员,然后后来又转行经商,然后再读MBA,后来再考托福,一路的高压力考试中,从开始就学习了很多的学习方法,记忆方法,包括各种潜能开发培训班都上过一些,还有吃补脑的药也有一些,不过感觉上懂了理论,没有太多的实践,效果不太明显,吃的就更不想说了,相信太多的人都吃过,没有作用。06年的时候,无意间在百度搜索到一个叫做“精英特快速阅读记忆训练软件”的产品,当时要考公务员,花了几百块钱买了来练,开始一两个星期没有太明显的效果,但是一个月的训练之后,效果非常理想,阅读速度和记忆能力在短时间内提高很多,思维这些都比以前更敏捷,那个时候一两个小时可以看完一本书,而且非常容易记住书中的内容。这个能力在后来的公务员考试、MBA、托福以及生活中都很大程度上成就了我,这也是我今天要推荐给诸位的最有分享价值的好东西基本上30个小时就够用了。非常极力的推荐给正在高压学习的朋友们,希望你们也能够快速高效的学习,成就自己的人生。 1.范文: As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, a large number of people are surfing on line within a stretching spider web, either to entertain themselves or to meet the works needs. Unfortunately, it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the spider web when they attempt to communicate. Undoubtedly, the spider web serves as a symbol of Internet, both connecting people and isolating them from each other.   The metaphoric and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. As a college student, I get on line every day to discuss news with other people on BBS, to study English by registering for web courses, to chat freely through MSN Messenger with my friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. Once indulged in the fictitious world, people feel reluctant to approach others and to concentrate on real life. Thats why some people have lost the skill of direct contact and get alienated from others. Hence, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all, Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences


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