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会议须知 会议报到。10月30日会议全天报到,已经注册和缴纳会务费用的代表签到;未缴纳费用的代表注册交费。注册、签到后领取会议资料袋(内有会议指南、代表证、会议资料、会议论文集、餐券等)、到酒店前台办理入住手续并交纳住宿费。 会议用餐凭餐券,用餐地点见本页表中所示。10月31日晚7:00中国家用电器协会和广东美芝制冷设备有限公司将在酒店一楼兰花厅设晚宴,晚宴开始前,将举行《2013年中国家用电器技术大会论文集》优秀论文的颁奖仪式,邀请全体参会人员出席。 会议将于31日上午8:30时开始,请各位代表准时到达会场。会议共二天,请代表佩戴会议代表证参加会议。为避免影响演讲和其他代表听会效果,尊重所有演讲者和听会人员,在会议开始后,请将手机、电脑或者其它电子通讯设备调至静音状态。 在您离开酒店时,请直接到前台办理退房手续。 在参会期间,如有任何问题,可咨询酒店或会务组工作人员。 会务组联系人:窦艳伟 彭敏 电话: 演讲者请及时将PPT拷贝给会务组,如所做报告PPT内容如有更新,请及时联系会务组。联系人:卢勇 电话日期 Date 早餐 Breakfast 午餐 Lunch 晚餐 Dinner Camphor Hall at 1st floor 一楼香樟苑 Camphor Hall 1st floor 10月31日 31st October 一楼香樟苑+梅花厅 Camphor Hall and Mei Hall at 1st floor 一楼兰花厅 Lan Hall at 1st floor 11月1日 1st November 二楼天香厅+江南春区域 TianXiang Hall and JiangNanChun Hall at 2nd floor 二楼天香厅 TianXiang Hall at 2nd floor General Information Conference registration. The conference registration is on 30th October. Please make sure that you get the materials bag (there are conference manual, delegate card, conference materials, and paper collection of the conference in it). Please check in directly after registering; The meal tickets grant you to have your meals during the conference. Please refer to the arrangement down this page for detailed information. CHEAA and GMCC will arrange a banquet for appreciating the participants of the conference in Lan Hall (1st floor in this Hotel) at 7:00 p.m. on 31st October, and the award ceremony will be held for the excellent papers of the “China Household Electrical Appliances Technical Conference Paper Collection” and welcome the delegates to attend; The conference will started at 8:30 a.m. on 31st October, and please arrive in the venue of the conference on time. It is 2 days meeting; please take the delegate card with you when you attend the meeting. For avoiding to affect the lecturers and other delegates listening, please turn your phone, computer and other electric communication equipment into quiet stage during the conference; Please


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