groundless belief 第七段讲解.doc

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groundless belief 第七段讲解

yesterdaytoday and tomorrow There are two days in every week that we should not worry abouttwo days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension 每个礼拜有两天我们不用去担心没有恐惧没有忧愁 One is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares its faults andblunders its aches and pains 其中一天是昨天有过错误和忧虑过失和失误辛酸和痛苦 Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control 昨天已经过去不再受我们控制 All the money in the world cannot bring back YesterdayWe cannot undo a single act we performed 世界上所有的钱都不能把昨天带回来我们不能为过去的事反悔 Nor can we erase a single word we said - Yesterday is gone 我们不能擦去我们说过的每一个字因为昨天已经过去了 The other day we shouldnt worry about is Tomorrow with itsimpossible adversities its burdens its large promise and poorperformance 另一天我们不用担心的是a name=baidusnap0/a明天/B明天/B可能有逆境负担即有着很大的希望又有糟糕的表现 Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control 明天/B同样不为我们所控制 Tomorrows sun will rise either in splendor or behind a mask ofclouds - but it will rise 明天/B的太阳会升起不管它是光芒四射还是笼罩着云彩它一定会升起来 Until it does we have no stake in Tomorrow for it is yet unborn 直到它出现之前我们对于明天/B没有任何把握因为它还没有发生 This leaves only one day - Today 只剩下一天今天任何人都只能生活在今天 Any man can fight the battlesof just one day it is only when you or I add the burdens of those two awful eternities- Yesterday and Tomorrow- that we break down 当你我背负起永远存在的昨天和明天/B带来的压力我们就会被压垮 It is not the experience of Today that drives man mad - 使一个人发疯的不是今天的遭遇而是昨天的悲伤或痛苦和对明天/B的恐惧 It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring 使一个人发疯的不是今天的遭遇而是昨天的悲伤或痛苦和对明天/B的恐惧 Let us therefore live One Day at a Time 因此让我们过好生活中的每一天


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