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看电影学管理:经典电影中的领导力启示录 Movie Movies can be such compelling leadership stories in action. I find that movies and fiction can help me develop empathy with and deeper understanding of others. They allow me to enter deeply into awareness of another. 电影能展示那些关于领导力的迷人故事。我发现电影和小说能令我对于别人的遭遇更加感同身受,并且加深我对他人的理解。它们使我更深入地去关注别人。 Some of my favorite movies have lessons for leaders. Some of the lessons are best practices. Some are cautionary tales about what not to do and what doesn’t work. Here are some of my favorites: 有些我喜欢的电影对于领导者们颇有裨益,它们有的是最好的实践,而有的则是告诉了我们不该做什么以及做什么没有用的的警示故事。下面是一些我喜欢的电影: Apollo 13 Apollo 13—(1995, director: Ron Howard). In 1970 NASA Mission Control works feverishly to bring three astronauts back to Earth alive after there is an explosion aboard the Apollo 13 spacecraft on its journey to the moon. A true story about the resourcefulness and creativity of a team under pressure. Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) leads the team of astronauts through the crisis. The crucial line: When someone in ground control says, “This could be our greatest failure”, the head of ground control (Ed Harris) corrects him and says, “I beg to differ. This could be our greatest triumph.” A grippingre-creation of a tragedy averted. 阿波罗13号——(1995,导演:郎-霍华德)。1970年,当阿波罗13号飞船从月球返回时,舱体发生了一次爆炸。NASA的地面指挥中心为了把三位航天员安全带回地球忙开了锅。这是一个有关团队在高压环境下表现出的急智和创造力的真实故事。吉姆-洛弗尔(汤姆-汉克斯饰演)在这场危机中领导了这个航天员团队。最重要的一刻发生在:当地面指挥部的一个人说:“这可能会使我们最大的失败”时,地面指挥部的首脑(艾德-哈里斯饰演)纠正了他:“恕我不能赞同。这可能会是我们最伟大的胜利。”由此展开了一次惊心动魄的神奇逆转。 Big Big—(1988, director: Penny Marshall). A 13-year old boy gets his wish to grow “big” and is magically transformed into a 30-year-old (Tom Hanks), but inside he’s still a teenager. Now working in a toy company, he attends a meeting where managers make uninspiring presentations about a new product. As the group is about to approve it, Hanks asks: “What’s fun about that?” The lesson for business: Enable people to be authenticand run meetings which are not full of groupthink. (Groupthink is a concept identified by Irving Janu


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