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* 在北斗卫星导航系统方面, 根据计划,2012年左右,北斗系统将首先具备覆盖亚太地区的定位、导航和授时以及短报文通信服务能力;到2020年左右,建成覆盖全球的北斗卫星导航系统。 目前,关于将北斗纳入SARPs的工作正在进行中。 北斗卫星导航系统的目的是增强GNSS PNT服务性能 接下来,我们的工作重点是评估北斗卫星的PNT性能并开发相关的机载和地面设备。 总结一下: 中国民航新一代空管系统是中国对于ATM系统发展的愿景,目前规划框架正在编写中。 CNAS将在2030年运行,它包含5各元素 对于CNS/ATM技术的规划和部署工作正在进行中,比如PBN和ADS-B,将来他们都将会整合入CNAS * Compass(BEIDOU) system Vision Asia-Pacific region coverage with 12 SVs at 2012 Global Coverage with 35 SVs at 2020 Standardization Development of GNSS SARPs to include “COMPASS” through approval process of ICAO Service for Civil Aviation Enhance the Availability, Integrality, Continuity and Accuracy of GNSS PNT Services Evaluation and Development Evaluate Compass PNT performance for civil aviation Develop ground and airborne equipment * Conclusion CNAS is the vision of China ATM System development. The planning framework is under development and will follow the guidance of ICAO. CNAS is expected to be fully operational in 2030 and contains five components Planning and deployment of some CNS/ATM technologies such as PBN, ADS-B are in progress and will be integrated into CNAS in future. * Thank you! 谢谢! * 中国民航空中交通管理局 Air Traffic Management Bureau * 提纲: 三个主要部分: 简介:中国民航空管系统简介 愿景:新一代空管系统 计划:近期行动,ADS-B PBN CNS Airspace ATFM etc. 总结: * 提纲: 三个主要部分: 简介:中国民航空管系统简介 愿景:新一代空管系统 计划:近期行动,ADS-B PBN CNS Airspace ATFM etc. 总结: The organization structure of China’s ATM system is consisted of Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB) of CAAC, 7 regional ATMBs, ATM sub-bureaus and ATM stations at the provincial level, with nearly 20,000 personnel across the entire system. As the subject of my speech is building a future-oriented ATM system for China, I’d like to give a brief introduction to China Civil Aviation’s ATM system first. For airspace, China has totally 10 million 8 hundred and 10 thousand square kilometers national airspace , divided into 9 FIRs, 18 upper control areas and 28 low lever control areas and managed by 28 ACCs. And as you all know, currently, most of the airs



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