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Date HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited 日期 D D M M Y Y Y Y 汇丰银行(中国)有限公司 CRS ENTITY SELF CERTIFICATION FORM 企业实体税收居民身份声明表格 Please read these instructions before completing this form 请于完成表格前阅读此份说明 Why are we asking you to complete this form? 我们为何需要贵司完成这份表格? To help protect the integrity of tax systems, governments around the world are introducing a new information gathering and reporting requirement for financial institutions. This is known as the Common Reporting Standard (the CRS). 为协助打击逃税,维护税制完整,全球各地政府现正推出适用于金融机构的资料收集及汇报新规的要求,名为共同汇报标准(简称“CRS ”)。 Under the CRS, we are required to determine where you are “tax resident” (this will usually be where you are liable to pay corporate income taxes). If you are tax resident outside the country where your account is held we may need to give the national tax authority this information, along with information relating to your accounts. That may then be shared between different countries’ tax authorities CRS规定,我们必须确定贵司的“税收居民身份”(通常是贵司有义务缴纳所得税或公司税的国家/地区)。若贵司的税收居民身份或纳税地有别于开户所在地, 我们或将此情况以及贵司的账户资料告知贵司账户所在国家/地区税务机关。相关资料或由贵司的税收居民身份所在国家或多个国家/地区税务机关共享。 Completing this form will ensure that we hold accurate and up to date information about your tax residency. 完成此表格可以确保我们持有贵司的准确、及时的缴税国家信息。 If your circumstances change and any of the information provided in this form becomes incorrect, please let us know immediately and provide an updated self-certification. 如贵司的情况有变化或者此表格信息不正确,请及时告知并提供更新的自我声明。 Who should complete the CRS Entity Self Certification Form? 谁需要完成这份CRS企业实体自我声明表格? Business banking customers (which includes all businesses, trusts and partnerships except sole traders) should complete this form. 商业以及企业实体客户需要填写本表格。 If you are a personal banking customer or a sole trader complete an ‘Individ


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