【浙江新中考】2016中考英语(外研版)一轮复习(教材梳理跟踪训练):八年级(上) Modules 5~6(共76张PPT).ppt

【浙江新中考】2016中考英语(外研版)一轮复习(教材梳理跟踪训练):八年级(上) Modules 5~6(共76张PPT).ppt

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【浙江新中考】2016中考英语(外研版)一轮复习(教材梳理跟踪训练):八年级(上) Modules 5~6(共76张PPT)

(  )15.A.to write B.writing C.write D.written 【解析】keep后跟v.-ing形式。 答案:B (  )1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first and second paragraphs? A.Gracie is a movie that tells a girl who loves soccer very much. B.Gracie is a film that tells a game between a girl and boys. C.Gracies whole family love soccer except the father. D.Gracie is a girl who leaves home for a gym. 【解析】由第一段可知,本电影讲的是一个女孩热爱足球的故事。 答案:A (  )2.What do people think of Johnny? A.He wants to get on well with his team mates, but he cant. B.He is a soccer star but he doesnt like helping others. C.He is crazy at soccer but he is not friendly. D.He is good at playing soccer. 【解析】由第二段可推测,人们把Johnny看作是一个足球明星,因此可推知他擅长踢足球。 答案:D (  )3.Johnny gets in his friends car because ______. A.he is too excited to come back to the playground B.he wants to go for another game C.he is angry with his mistakes D.he wants to kill himself 【解析】由第二段最后两句可知,Johnny为了克服自己的失误带来的悔恨,他便上了朋友的车。 答案:C (  )4.What does the father think of his daughter Gracie? A.She is strong enough to play with the boys. B.She is not talented to play against the boys. C.She is better at playing soccer than any other boy. D.She may fail in the soccer but she is very clever. 【解析】由第三段第三句可知,Gracie的父亲认为Gracie不具备与男孩抗衡的天赋和素质。 答案:B (  )5.What happens at the end of the final game? A.The Varsity team wins the game thanks to Gracies goal. B.Gracie gets hurt and misses the last part of the game. C.The other team wins the game with a score 2-1. D.Gracie misses another goal in the end. 【解析】第四段第三句说到两个队的比分是1-1。最后一句说到了Gracie的射门成功,由此可以推测出,Gracie的队最后以2-1获胜。 答案:A 1.【解析】根据后面的时间状语从句when he saw a young man far away picking up something...可知主句用过去进行时。 答案:was walking 2.【解析】联系上下文可知向海里扔海星的年轻人离智者很远,故可猜测两个人开始对话应该是走得更近一点,故填closer。 答案:closer 3.【解析】上一句中曾提到 a young man,这里是第二次出现,所以用定冠词the。 答案:the 4.【解析】句意为“你在做什么?”空格处缺少疑问词,且位于句首,故填What。 答案:What 5.【解析】结合前文可推知本句意为“将海星扔回海里”,填sea。 答案:sea 6.【解析】空格处前后两句之间是并列关系,缺少连接词,故填and。 答案:and 7.【解析】will 后面跟动词原形,故填die。 答案:



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