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标 题:基于JSP的图书管理系统的设计与开发 Abstract With the rapid development and the computer industry of science technology, peoples working efficiency is greatly improved. The introduction of computer information processing system has completely changed the management of many systems. Library management system is an important part of school management mechanism, to carry out investigation and study the operation mechanism on the library management system, the development of the library management system. This paper mainly introduces the library management affairs of common basic issues such as background, analyzes the feasibility of the testing process, discusses the system requirement analysis, system design, system implementation and system. Design of the system using JSP Webpage interface, using the MVC design pattern, using open-source framework Struts, Hibernate and Spring development. The back-end database using MySQL5.6,seamless connection through the JDBC driver and database. System realizes the user login, library management, library card management, library management module. User login module to realize the login and user permissions determine; library management module for the books to add, delete, modify, query and other functions; library card management module the students add, delete, modify, query and other functions; library management module realizes the students to borrow books, return books and check function of books borrowed. The test results show that, this system has realized the main function of the library management, meet the needs of Library management. Keywords: library library-management-system struts hibernate spring 摘要 、查询等、查询等关键词:目 录 JSP的图书管理系统的设计与开发 I 摘 要 I 1 绪 论 1 1.1 目前图书馆管理系统存在的问题 1 1.2 系统设计的目的和意义 2 1.3 开发工具及相关技术介绍 3 1.3.1 SSH框架 3 1.3.2 Tomcat 4 2 可行性分析 5 2.1 技术可行性 5 2.2 经济可行性 6 2.3 操作可行性 7 3 需求分析 8 3.1 图书馆管理系统需求概述 8 3.2 功能需求 8 3.2.1 与读者相关的基本功能元素 9 3.2.2 与管理员相关的基本功能元素 9 3.2.3 总体系统的基本功能元素 9 3.3 性能需求 10 3.4 运行需求 10 4 系统设计 12 4.1 图书馆管理系统设计


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