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北朝政治環境對文學發展之影響 1 國 立 高 雄 師 範 大 學 高雄師大學報 2006,21,1 -1 8 北朝政治環境對文學發展之影響 林晉士1 摘 要 北朝文學之發展,與當時政治局勢密切相關。北魏前期,爭戰頻繁,惟 有軍國文翰表現較為出色。隨著北魏版圖擴展,文士漸多。不過,太武帝時 發生的「國史之禍」,對北魏文壇斲傷甚深。到了孝文帝時大倡文教,使得 北魏文運日漸昌隆。北魏末年,北方大亂,此時期之文學作品則多寓亂世之 悲歎。東魏政府因承繼北魏泰半的文學人才,故其文運之昌盛,非西魏可比。 惟東魏、北齊朝中政爭不斷,故其間文士寫作常懷戒懼之心。西魏、北周之 文風本較質樸,後來蘇綽等倡導復古運動,文章措辭用語尤為古拙。西魏滅 江陵後,王褒、庾信等文人北來,文章則逐漸有駢儷化傾向。另外,北朝當 政者之文學觀與態度,也對當時的創作有相當的影響。宇文泰所主導的文學 復古運動,與後來隋文帝詔行「正文體」之政策,更成為後來唐代古文運動 的序曲。 關鍵詞:北朝、文學史、政治、復古、華靡文風 1國立高雄師範大學國文學系副教授。 2 高雄師大學報 第二十一期 The Influence of the Political Environment on the Development of Northern Dynasty Literature Jin-Shi Lin 1 Abstract The development of the Northern Dynasty literature is closely related to the political situation at that time. In the earlier stage of Northern Wei Dynasty, the war was frequent, so that only the literary works that correlated with military and politics performed well. With the expansion of the territory in Northern Wei Dynasty, there were more and more scholars. However, “the misfortune of country's history” seriously injured the literary world of Northern Wei Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Xiao-wen, he made great efforts to promote culture and education, made literature popular in Northern Wei Dynasty. By the last years of Northern Wei Dynasty, with the social havoc in the North. Most of the literary works of this period were characterized by a sorrowful tone for the troubled times. Because Eastern Wei Dynasty government inherited most of Northern Wei Dynasty


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