
Introduction to Signals and Systems - Lane Department of :信号与系统车道部介绍.ppt

Introduction to Signals and Systems - Lane Department of :信号与系统车道部介绍.ppt

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Introduction to Signals and Systems - Lane Department of :信号与系统车道部介绍

Introduction to Signals and Systems David W. Graham EE 327 Definitions Signal Conveys information Function of time The way it evolves in time is what encodes the information Examples Voltage or current in an electronic circuit Speech and music Bioelectric signals (e.g. ECG) Two Types of Signals Continuous-time signals Discrete-time signals 1. Continuous-Time Signals Signal that has a value for all points in time Function of time Written as x(t) because the signal “x” is a function of time Commonly found in the physical world ex. Human speech Displayed graphically as a line 2. Discrete-Time Signals Signal that has a value for only specific points in time Typically formed by “sampling” a continuous-time signal Taking the value of the original waveform at specific intervals in time Function of the sample value, n Write as x[n] Often called a sequence Commonly found in the digital world ex. wav file or mp3 Displayed graphically as individual values Called a “stem” plot Discrete-Time ≠ Digital Discrete-time sequences are continuous in values, but discrete only in time Digital signals are discrete in values and discrete in time (they can only take on specific values) Systems System A collection of items that together performs a function Modifies / transforms an input to give an output Represented by System Examples Real-World Examples of Systems Circuits Car Inputs ? Steering wheel, force on accelerometer and brakes Outputs ? Position of car, velocity Chemical processes Electromechanical systems (motors) Economics, stock market Biological processes (heart) Two Types of Systems Continuous-time systems Operate on continuous-time signals Commonly found in the physical world Represented mathematically using differential equations System parameters are defined on a continuum of time Discrete-time systems Operate on discrete-time signals ex. Computer algorithms Represented mathematically by difference equations System parameters are defined only at discrete points in time


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