Physical GMR 2.5 Operator Competence操作人员技能31st_Dec.09.pdf

Physical GMR 2.5 Operator Competence操作人员技能31st_Dec.09.pdf

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Physical GMR 2.5 Operator Competence操作人员技能31st_Dec.09

Means and Methods for Physical GMRs 具体的全球最低要求的方式方法 Physical GMR 具体 Compliance Area 适用区 Logistics 2 的全球最低要求#: 域: 交通管理及物流控制 GMR Subsection 全 2.5 Operator Competence 操作人员技能 球最低要求小节: All vehicle operators must be competent (certified/licensed) to operate the plant and vehicles they are assigned to and be briefed on their use and particular hazards associated with the site. Checks must be made to ensure the competence of drivers (link to Global Safety Alert on Quick Hitch Systems) 所有车辆操作人员必须能胜任(鉴定的/执照许可的)所指派 操作的相关设备和车辆,并就车辆的使用以及现场相关的特定风险进行简短培 训。必须检查,确保司机能够胜任其工作。 (参考《全球安全警报有关快速联 接系统》) Standard 标准: All operators must follow the manufacturers’ instructions and site rules - while operating, seatbelts must be worn and mobile phones turned off. Vehicles must be braked / stabilized during loading/unloading and checks made to ensure loads are adequately secured before leaving the site. 所有操作人员必须遵守生产厂家指令和现场规定 – 在设备操作中 必须系好座位安全带,并关闭手机。车辆在装车 /卸车时,必须是刹车/制动 的,并且在离开现场前,检查货物是否捆扎牢靠。 Means and Methods 方式方法: Ensure that the Operator is fully informed of site rules and requirements 确保操作 者完全了解现场规定及要求 Pre-work Due Diligence Ensure that the operators licenses and certificates are relevant and valid 确保操作 工作前敬职调查 者的执照及证书是有效的。 Competence check 能力检查 Regular Monitoring 有 Monitor operator performance on a regular basis to ensure Manu


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