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? 2006 APL Logistics 中国物流开支 Logistics Spend In China 行业挑战及趋势 Industry Challenges and Trends 全球趋势及中国视角 Global Trends and China Perspective 何谓业务流程外包 (BPO) What is Business Process Outsourcing 何谓物流外包 (BPO) What is Logistics Outsourcing (BPO) 业务流程外包指标组合 BPO Metrics 业务流程外包中的不良做法 Bad BPO Practices BPO 物流外包不应包括什么 What is NOT BPO/Logistics Outsourcing Agents: Shenyang Chengdu Zhangjiagang Hangzhou 如何开拓中国物流外包市场 Promoting Logistics Outsourcing in China 2006年7月26-27日, 成都 26-27 July 2006, Chengdu 吴汉松 美国总统轮船有限公司 美集物流运输有限公司 驻中国首席代表 中国物流发展趋势及面临的挑战 China Logistics Trends and Challenges 业务流程外包(BPO):物流业务外包 Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Logistics Outsourcing 业务流程外包实例 BPO Examples 结论 Conclusion 美集物流简介 About APL Logistics 议程 Agenda 中国物流发展趋势及面临挑战: 外包的潜力及外包的必求 China Logistics Trends and Challenges: The Potential and Need for Outsourcing 年份 Year Notes: a. Logistics Spend is 20% of GDP b. Only 10% of Logistics Spend is outsourced to 3PL’s Source: National Bureau of Statistics, China Statistical Yearbook 2004; National Bureau of Statistics plan report. - Last page update: 21 May 2006 WWW.CFTC.ORG.CN Jun,2006 : Jun,2006: Mercer on Travel and Transport 注: a. 物流花费占国内生产总值的20% b. 仅有10%的物流花费外包给第三方物流提供商 复杂化:更加复杂的供应链整合需求 Complexity: More complex integrated Supply Chain Needs 竞争:高竞争环境(世贸/自由贸易区) Competition: Highly competitive environment (WTO/FTA) 伙伴管理:要求减少伙伴,供应商和服务商的数量 Partner Management: Decrease in number of partners, vendors, and service providers required 采购:以中国作为重要市场的全球采购的增加 Sourcing: Increase in global sourcing with China as a key market 成本压力:高成本压力,向精简型物流发展 Cost Pressure: High cost pressure and move towards lean logistics 信息可见度:需要在早期就有高度可见度的信息 Information Visibility: Early visibility of information required 灵活性: 更高的出货频率: 小批量(国内市场), 大批量(国际市场) Flexibility: Higher Delivery fre


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