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计 算 机 系 统 应 用 2013 年 第 22 卷 第 5 期 二维码在企业的应用① 1 2 刘 夏 , 陈明锐 1(三亚航空旅游职业学院, 三亚 572000) 2(海南大学 信息科学与技术学院, 海口 570228) 摘 要: “物联网”概念近年来能够得到资本市场的青睐, 并使得与之密切相关的二维码应用得到迅速发展. 与移 动互联网结合的二维码应用能否如当年的互联网一样再次创造经济神话?在以科技进步、技术创新为基础推动的 经济发展过程中, 与移动互联网相结合的二维码应用顺应了时代发展的潮流, 并能够为用户提供更好的消费体 验、可以有效助力企业提升运营效率, 同时促使传统产业产生新的商业模式. 整理了二维码的相关应用, 并结合 二维码的技术特性, 对二维码在企业的应用进行了分析. 关键词: 二维码; 企业; 应用 The Application of Two-Dimensional Code to Enterprise 1 2 LIU Xia , CHEN Ming-Rui 1(Sanya Aviation Tourism College, Sanya 572000, China) 2(College of Information Science Technology, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China) Abstract: The Internet of Things concept in recent years to be able to get the favor of the capital markets, and closely related to the two-dimensional code applications have developed rapidly. Combined with the mobile Internet application ability, such as two-dimensional code when the Internet create economic myths again? Inbased on scientific and technological progress, technological innovation to promote the economic development process in the two-dimensional code, combined with the mobile Internet application conforms to the development trend of the times, and be able to pro- vide users with better consumer experience, can effectively help enterprises to enhance operational efficiencytraditional industries while promoting a new business model, this article has compiled a two-dimensional code, combined with the technical characteristics of the two-dimensional code, two-dimensional code in enterprise application prospects. Key words: two-dimensional code; enterprise; application [1] 2012 年IBM 全球CEO 调研报告 发现, 技术因素 1 二维码介绍 对企业的重要性逐年提升, 并首次成为影响企



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