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黑龙江东方学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题目:安达市污水处理厂设计 学生姓名 学 号 专 业 环境工程 班 级 2009级本科 指导教师 学 部 答辩日期 2013年5月18日 安达市污水处理厂设计 摘 要 本次毕业设计的题目为安达市某污水处理厂工艺设计。该污水处理厂工程,规模为4.5万吨/日设计主要任务是根据该市污水性质、排污规模的要求完成污水处理厂初步设计和单项处理构筑物设计。 其中污水处理厂初步设计要完成污水处理厂总平面图一张及污水处理厂污水与污泥高程图一张;单项处理构筑物设计中,主要是完成主体处理构筑物平面图及剖面图及部分大图样。 该污水处理厂的污水处理流程为:污水由市政排水管网经格栅由泵房提升进入到曝气沉砂池,进入倒置AAO反应池,进入辐流式二沉池,进入消毒接触池,最后出水;污泥的流程为:从二次沉淀池池排出的剩余污泥进入回流污泥泵房,再由污水泵送入浓缩池,再进入储泥池,由浓缩污泥泵房提升送入污泥脱水间,最后泥饼外运处置。 污水处理厂处理后的出水优于国家污水综合排放标准(GB)中的一级 关键词:倒置AAO工艺 Anda sewage treatment plant design Abstract The graduation design topic for a sewage treatment plant process design of Anda city. The sewage treatment plant project, the scale of 45000 tons / day, main task is to design according to the requirement of sewage scale sewage nature, the completed design plant preliminary design and individual treatment building sewage treatment. The sewage treatment plant preliminary design to complete the sewage treatment plant general layout and sewage treatment plant sewage and sludge elevation map a; single processing structures in the design, mainly is the completion of the main construction plan and profile and part of the large pattern. The sewage treatment plant sewage treatment process: the sewage from the municipal drainage pipe network by the grid by the pump house ascend into the aerated grit chamber, enter into a reverse AAO reaction pool, into the radial flow sedimentation tank into two, disinfection contact tank, the final effluent; sludge process: the sludge discharged from the two secondary sedimentation tank. Into the return sludge pumping station, the sewage pump into concentrated pool, and then into the mud storage tank, concentrated sludge pump lift by into the sludge dewatering, the last cake Sinotrans disposal. Wastewater treatment plant treated water is better than the national integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB) in an B standard. Key words:The inverted AAO process Sewage sludge 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章项目工程


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