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国际会议邀请函,什么时候发 篇一:国际会议邀请函主要内容 国际会议邀请函主要内容Conference Invitation Letter 1. Format of a Letter of Invitation 1) Heading/Letterhead 2) Date 3) Inside Address/Recipient’s Address 4) Salutation This is a greeting to the recipient, eg. Dear Ms. Ann Mellon (use Ms. for a woman recipient when her marital status is not known or when she prefers Ms.), or Mr. John Wood, or Dear Professor Williams. Salutation is also always on the left margin. 5) Body 6) Complimentary Close 7) Signature 8) Enclosure/End Notations This c(转 载 于:wWw.cssYQ.COm 书 业 网:国际会议邀请函,什么时候发)an be used to remind the recipient of the additional material(s) put in the invitation letter, such as an agenda of a conference. 2. Contents of a Letter of Invitation 1) The conference host抯 name, the occasion, name of the attendees, date(s), time and place 2) Using full names of both the conference host and the attendees, including titles if any 3) Stating the purpose of invitation 4) Introducing the conference arrangement 5) Expressing the wish for the conference 6) Placing these instructions: R.S.V.P (Reply, if you please) at the end of the invitation, usually at the right corner 7) Ending the invitation with the host抯 telephone number, address, and email address, and deadline to reply, if a reply is expected from the invitee 篇二:国际会议邀请函 - 课后作业 1. 汉译英. (1) 很高兴代表组委会邀请您参加于2013年7月18-20日在北京外国语大学举行的大数据与大学英语教学国际会议。 (2) 我作为会议主席之一,真诚地邀请您来参加这次会议。这次会议首先在香港开幕,然后移往广州。 (3) 我写此信的目的是想咨询下您是否愿意作为嘉宾在会议上发言,发言 时间为1小时,其中包括20分钟的问答时间。 (4) 会议主办方将提供北京至纽约的经济舱机票,免费注册以及会议期间的食宿。 (5) 如果有任何疑问或者需要帮助,邀请你与大会组织者Ms. Zhang Hui联系,电话(020-8556****),电子邮件zhanghui@。 2. 阅读邀请函并回答以下问题. (1) Who sends out the invitation? (2) How many people are expected to attend the conference? (3) How many speakers will give presentations? 3. Write an invitation letter body according to the following information in reference to Sample 1. 篇三:国际会议邀请函 IEEE第18届工业工程与工程管理国际学术会议邀请函 2011年9月3日至9月5日 中国 长春 尊敬的 您好: 第十八届工业工程与工程管理国际学术会议将于2011年9月3日至5日在吉



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