2014年 对外经贸大学翻译硕士考研真題,考研笔记、参考书,考研参考书,考研经验.pdf

2014年 对外经贸大学翻译硕士考研真題,考研笔记、参考书,考研参考书,考研经验.pdf

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2014年对外经贸大学翻译硕士考研真题,考研笔记、 参考书,考研参考书,考研经验 一、英文缩写 HTML PBOC AI I ER CSRC DJIA SSN GMT BIS 二、短语互译 1. 小型微型企业 2. 安居工程 3. 屌丝 4. 物联网 5. 天然林 6. 落后产能 7. 兴边富民 8. 生态示范区 9. 一次性生活补贴 10. 大宗商品 11. technocratic government 12. referendum 13. incubation 14. diplomatic asylum 15. zakat 16. credit crunch 17. customer relationship 18. jargon 19. financial futures 20. yield curve 三、篇章翻译 英译中 THOUGH it ishard to find anyone who isbullish about Britain’s growth prospects, economy-watchers have been consistently surprised by the weakness of official figures.Thelatestset,publishedonJuly25th,showedthatGD inthesecondquarter fell by 0.7%, a far bigger drop than the 0.2% decline forecast by analysts. The figures suggest the economy has shrunk by a cumulative 1.4% over the past three quarters and is now smaller than when the coalition government took office inMay 2010. All this adds to the pressures on George Osborne, the increasingly forlorn chancellor of the exchequer. The scaleof the surprise suggeststwoalternatives: eitherbusiness ismuchweaker than even thegloomiest forecastershad feared,or thepreliminary estimates ofGD are so flawed they are not a reliable guide to the state of the economy. Which is it? It is usually unwise to dismiss information merely because it does not conform to expectations: it might be telling you something you did not know. The trouble in the euro zone isworsening. Even Germany’s economy, the region’smightiest, seem tobe faltering, so the British GD figuresmay be an early sign of broader misery. A startling drop in construction output was on its own enough to explain half the fall inGDP. This probably owes something to the miserably wet weather, but itmay also reflect cuts in public-sector investment. Yet the data sceptics have a stronger case than usual. The extra bank holiday in June tomark the queen’sDiamond Jubilee meant therewas one lessworking day than normal in the quarter. This is a rare event, so the



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