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摘 要 根据设计任务书所提供资料,以严格遵守《矿井安全规程》和《煤矿工业设计规范》所规定的有关条款为依据,以安全可靠为根本,以投入少、运行费用低为原则的设计指导思想,确定矿井对排水系统的具体要求。 初步选择排水方案,进行设备选型以及相关计算,确定设备工况,校验水泵的稳定工作条件、经济运行条件,排除不合理方案。对所剩方案进行经济核算,以吨水百米费用和初期投入为指标筛选出最终方案。 选择系统配套附件,根据各设备外形尺寸及安装要求,并考虑其运行条件,最终确定泵房及管路的布置图。 对水泵的叶轮结构进行分析,并论述了叶轮的类型及结构特点和其对水泵工况点的影响。 关 键 词: 矿井涌水; 水泵; 工况点; 设备布置; 叶轮。 Abstract Book design task based on information provided to strict compliance with the Mine Safety Regulations and design specifications of the coal industry as provided for in accordance with the relevant provisions in order to secure the fundamental so as to put in less, the principle of low operating costs of the design guidelines thinking of mine to determine the specific requirements of the drainage system. The initial choice of drainage programs, equipment selection, as well as relevant to the calculation to determine the condition of equipment, checking the stability of pumps working conditions, economic operating conditions, to exclude unreasonable program. For the remainder of the program of economic accounting, to tons of water meters for the initial investment costs and the final selection of indicators. Choice of system accessories, according to the equipment size and installation requirements and operating conditions considered, and ultimately determine the pumping station and pipeline layout. ? Water pump impeller on an analysis of the structure, and discusses the type of impeller and structural characteristics and condition of its pumping the impact point. Key words: Mine Water; pump; working condition points; equipment layout; impeller 目录 摘 要 i Abstract i 绪 论 1 1对排水系统的要求 1 2矿水 1 2.1 矿水来源 1 2.2 涌水量 1 2.3 矿水性质 2 3设计的指导思想 2 4有关的方针政策 2 第一章 初选排水系统 5 1.1分析本矿井特点: 5 1.2.1 方案一 直接排水系统 5 1.2.2 方案二 分段排水系统 6 第二章 设备选型 8 2.1初选水泵的型号和台数 8 2.1.1.排水系统对水泵的要求: 8 2.1.2.初选水泵型号 9 2.1.3.校验水泵稳定性 11 2.1.4.所需水泵的台数: 11 2.2选择管路系统 12 2.2.1管路趟数及布置方式的选择 12 2.2.2 排水管选择计算 13 2.2.3 吸水管直径确定 16 2.2.4 绘制管道系统图 18 2.3 水泵装置的工况 18 2.3.1 求管路特性方程式并绘制管路特性曲线 18 2.3.2 确


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