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25 Minutes 16 Questions1.? ???In the first half of this year, from January to June, about three million videocassette recorders were sold. This number is only 35 percent of the total number of videocassette recorders sold last year. Therefore, total sales of videocassette recorders will almost certainly be lower for this year than they were for last year.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?(A) The total number of videocassette recorders sold last year was lower than the total number sold in the year before that.(B) Most people who are interested in owning a videocassette recorder have already purchased one.(C) Videocassette recorders are less expensive this year than they were last year.(D) Of the videocassette recorders sold last year, almost 60 percent were sold in January.(E) Typically, over 70 percent of the sales of videocassette recorders made in a year occur in the months of November and December.2.? ???Mud from a lake on an uninhabited wooded island in northern Lake Superior contains toxic chemicals, including toxaphene, a banned pesticide for cotton that previously was manufactured and used, not in nearby regions of Canada or the northern United States, but in the southern United States. No dumping has occurred on the island. The island lake is sufficiently elevated that water from Lake Superior does not reach it.The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following hypotheses?(A) The waters of the island lake are more severely polluted than those of Lake Superior.(B) The toxaphene was carried to the island in the atmosphere by winds.(C) Banning chemicals such as toxaphene does not aid the natural environment.(D) Toxaphene has adverse effects on human beings but not on other organisms.(E) Concentrations of toxaphene in the soil of cotton-growing regions are not sufficient of be measurable.3.? ???Last year in the United States, women who ran for state and national offices were about as likely to


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