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5S工作环境管理程序 5S WORK ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE Purpose目的 To endeavor to improve the working environment continuously, enhance production efficiency, reduce cost and waste, and assure quality. 不断改善公司的工作环境,提高生产效率、降低成本、减少浪费、保证品质。 Scope 范围 Applicable to all departments, such as production shop floors, warehouses, offices and public areas within the factory (refers to the 5S inspection area plan). 适用于本厂内所有部门,如生产部、货仓、办公区及日常生活区域。(指5S检查区域平面图)Definition 定义 MIC --- Manufacturing Improvement Committee 改善委员会 AIG --- Area Improvement Group 工场改善小组 5S --- Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, captured from the initial of each words, and there are 5 words and so the term is formed. 5S是指整理(Seiri), 整顿(Seiton), 清扫(Seiso), 清洁(Seiketsu), 素养(Shitsuke), 因其日语的罗马拼音均以“S”开头,因此简称为“5S” Reference Standard 参考标准N/A Responsibilities 职责 5.1 5S推动委员会主席 (Chairman of 5S Steering Committee):由公司高层管理,负责5S运作系统的制定、维护及监督;Chairman of 5S Steering Committee: it is delegated by top management of the company, and is responsible for establishing, sustaining and overseeing 5S implementation system. 5.2 MIC (Manufacturing Improvement Committee):由各部门最高管理者授权组成,起制定、组织、监督、改善之作用;: authorized by top management, is responsible for developing, organizing, monitoring and improving 5S implementation system 5.3工场改善小组(Area Improvement Group):由各部门主管级以下人员组成,主要负责该部门或区域5S的执行、维护与改善;: grouped by each department managers, takes a lead to conduct, sustain and improve the 5S execution on their respective responsible areas. 5.4 5S秘书:5S例会和5S巡查工作之组织,协调各部门实施5S工作。 Procedure Flow流程图 Procedure Details程序详情 Establish 5S Steering Committee 成立5S推动委员会 5S Steering Committee consists of top management of each dept., 5S chairman, 5S secretary, MIC and AIG. 5S推动委员会由各部门最高管理者、5S主席、5S秘书、MIC及AIG各组成员组成5S secretary, MIC and AIG each group member must accept the 5S chairman arranged of 5S training courses, to clearly understand the content and the corresponding 5S implementation issues; 5S秘书、MIC及AIG各组成员.2 Constitute 5S annual review plan 制定5S年度审核计划


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