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2018 学生测评场地安排 时间:2018年3月24日 招生办最初与各部门的计划是3月24日进行EK学生测评,3月31进行CT和ET小一学生测评,然后在4月7日进行ET和CT的家长面谈。但是由于之前考虑欠妥没有注意到4月5日-4月7日是中国传统节日清明节假期,因此CT和ET的时间安排全部提前一周,与EK的学生面谈时间成为了同一天。在往年的学生面谈过程中,EK和CT家长都要用到学校图书馆,所以为了更好地统筹安排空间,给家长展示我校秩序井然的一面特做以下安排,如有不便或跟往年的安排有变化,敬请海涵。 计划一,各学部家长完全不交错安排如下 场地Departmentcomments1号楼一楼体育教室CT椅子和零食1号楼二层图书馆CT2300-1ETDrinks2号楼一层休息区EK椅子和零食1号楼2层EK走廊EK 椅子和零食计划二, EK和CT学部同时使用图书馆区域作为家长等候区: 场地Departmentcomments1号楼一楼体育教室CT椅子和零食1号楼二层图书馆B区和C区CT2300-1ET零食2号楼一层休息区EK椅子和零食1号楼2层EK走廊 EK椅子和零食1号楼二层书馆A区EK  由于我们工作的疏忽造成大家的二次计划,我们表示深深的歉意,很感谢各位的及时的沟通与支持! 2018 Student Assessment Space Planning Date:24 March 2018 The initial admission plan is that the EK student assessment on March 24, the CT and ET student assessment is on March 31, the parents of ET and CT will be interviewed on April 7. The current plan is the EK, ET and CT’s student assessment will on the same day on 24 March, because we didn't notice that the April 5 - April 7 is China's traditional Qingming holiday. In order to arrange the space as reasonably as possible and we make the following space plans. Plan A: CT, ET and EK parents are all separated into different areas. RoomDepartmentcommentsSports Room (1st Floor Building 1)CTChairs, SnacksLibraryCT2300-1ETSnacksLobby (1st floor Building 2)EKChairs, SnacksEK Hallway (2nd floor, Building 1)EK Chairs, Snacks Plan B: CT & EK parents use library at the same time RoomDepartmentcommentsSports Room (1st Floor Building 1)CTChairs, SnacksLibrary Slot B&C CT2300-1ETSnacksLobby (1st floor Building 2)EKChairs, SnacksLibrary Slot A EKEK Hallway (2nd floor, Building 1)EK Chairs, Snacks We feel deeply sorry about the negligence of our work. If there is any inconvenience or a change with previous routine, please understand and thank you for all your support.


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