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2010-2011 年大陆托福已考口语题型12 汇总 2010.1.16 1. 一本你没有读过又很有兴趣的书 2. 你是愿意随身携带手机还是不愿意随身携带 2010.1.17 1. 讲别人对你的鼓励, 2. 要你选择是否同意家庭对于young adult 影响很大, 2010.1.31 1. What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy this type of music. Include reasons and details in you explanation. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Its easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation. 2010.2.7 1. 说一个你觉得不感兴趣(或者很难对付)但又非常重要的学科,具体到为啥难对付但又为什 么重要. 2. 你愿意去电影院看电影还是在家看,为啥? 2010.2.21 1. Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response. 2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always study in quiet places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. 2010.2.27 1. 出国读大学的好处. 2. 自己开车好还是坐公交好. 2010.3.6 1. 说你最喜欢的影星或歌星吧 2. 你喜欢在计划休闲的时候还是不计划休闲的时候。 2010.3.13 1. INTERNET 对社会有较大的影响,你觉得呢? 2. 到家乡之外的地方读大学,你同意吗? 2010.3.27 1. 怎样提高GPA 2. play for fun 还是有了具体要买的东西才去 1 本文章由尚友原创或整理 2010.4.10 1. 你准备将什么当礼物送给谁? 2. Is it easier to be a teacher than to be a student? 2010.4.24 1. 说一个你喜欢的老师,以及你为什么喜欢。 2. 你喜欢对变化作出立即反应和决断,还是经过深思熟虑后再做决定? 2010.5.5 1. 描述一个你做的project 或者assignment in your class and course,并说明为什么重要。 2. 是否同意孩子给父母增加麻烦。 2010.5.8 1. 描述一个你做的project 或者assignment in your class and course,并说明为什么重要。 2. 是否同意孩子给父母增加麻烦。 2010.5.16 1. 描述你最喜欢与家人一起参与的活动?Activity that do together with family 2. 比较喜欢去Large department store 购物还是Small specialty store.为什么? 2010.5.22 1. 你小时候的special friend 2. 小组工作中你是想做leader 还是member 2010.6.12 1. 说



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