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齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 年产4800万米亚麻及其混纺织物染整工厂设计 学 院 轻工与纺织学院 专业班级 轻化082班 学生姓名 李 婧 指导教师 高 洁 成 绩 2012 年 06 月 15 日 摘 要 本课题是年产4800万米亚麻及其混纺织物染整工厂设计。本厂生产的主产品是亚麻棉混纺染色织物。亚麻织物发展的新形式就是与其它纤维混纺,扬长避短,发挥亚麻的优势,使其具有更好的服用性能。产品主要是以连续轧染、圆网印花为主,特别注重产品的后整理。基于工厂生产的各项要求,所选的设备以联合机为主,各一体机为辅,达到节约成本,节省占地面积的目的。工艺流程的确定以及车间设备的排列以主产品为主。厂区内建筑物的分布依据的是厂址的风向和就近合理的原则。本设计对设备选择,人员配备,厂房形式,厂区布置,污水处理等也做了详细的说明,对概预算进行精细计算,证明了其可行性。 关键词:亚麻;混纺织物;工艺;设计 Abstract The subject of this project is to design a dyeing and finishing factory with an annual output of 48 million m flax and its blended fabric.The factory's main products are flax dyeing of cotton blend fabric.Flax linen blended product is the development of the new situation, integrated with each advantages and make it better wearability. Our products are mainly continuous pad dyeing, rotary screen printing-oriented, especially pay attention to the anti-crease and softening finishing of the product. Based on production requirements,the equipments selected mostly are combination machine, that is, which reached the purpose of a multi-purpose,but also save cost and save floor space.The reasonable selection of technological process,the arrangement of plant equipment is based on the main technological process of the product.The arrangement of other buildings within site is according to the wind direction and the principle of rational proximity.This design not only in-depth proofed the productive technology,but also instructed on the selection of equipment, staffing, plant forms, plant layout, sewage treatment and provides in detail. This design also make precise calculation of the budget and proved its feasibility. Key words: Linen; Blended fabric ; Process; Design 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 设计任务的调查及预测 1 1.1.1 选题依据 1 1.1.2 国内外的研究状况 1 1.1.3 指导思想 1 1.2 厂


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