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第86届奥斯卡特别奖安吉丽娜朱莉获奖英语演讲稿   Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. It’s quite overwhelming. Thank you to themembers of the Academy for this honor. My dear friends who are here tonight, Gena andGeorge, for your kind words, to my hero, Louis Zamperini, to the cast of Blood and Honey andmost of all, to my family, my love. Your support and your guidance make everything that I dopossible. Mad, I抦 not gonna cry, I promise, and I won抰 embarrass you. You and yourbrothers and your sisters are my happiness and there is no a greater honor in this world thanbeing your mum.   I’m very humble to be here tonight among so many extraordinary artists. My mother lovedart. She loved film. She supported any crazy thing I did, but whenever it had meaning, shemade a point of telling me, that is what film is for. And she never had a career as an artist, shenever had the opportunity to express herself beyond her theatre class, but she wanted morethan for herself. She wanted for Jamie and I to know what it is to have a life as artists. And shegave us that chance. She drove me to every audition, and she would wait in the car for hours,always make me feel really good all the times I didn抰 get the job. And when I did, we wouldjump up and down and scream and yell like little girls.   She wasn’t really the best critic, since she never had anything unkind to say, but she did giveme love and confidence, and above all, she was very clear that nothing would mean anything ifI didn’t live a life of use to others. And I didn’t know what that meant for a long time. I cameinto this business young and worried about my own experiences and my own pain and it wasonly when I began to travel and look and live beyond my home, that I understand myresponsibility to others.   获奖感言:我真不知道这一切是怎么发生的,我只知道我的运气很好。有意思的是,三年前本应该是我出演撒切尔夫人的,而梅丽尔是史蒂文演林肯的第一人选,我真想看看她演的那个版本。跟我一起被提名的人,能跟你们一起被提名实在太棒了。我的妻子瑞贝卡,这十四年来你一直和一个奇怪的男人住在一起,你是家里最理智的那个人。感谢你们。感谢史蒂文,感谢托尼,感谢伟大的林肯。这个奖杯献给我的母亲,   And when I met survivors of war and famine and


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