2009年10月公开课思维导图定语从句 new[精品].ppt

2009年10月公开课思维导图定语从句 new[精品].ppt

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2009年10月公开课思维导图定语从句 new[精品]

思维导图运用于高中英语三维语法教学模式研讨课 Attributive Clause 赵海燕 2009年10月 Grammar 语法 Meaning 语义 Form形式 三维语法教学模式? Use语用 * Main aims ---At the end of this lesson, you are supposed to learn the form,meaning and use of Attributive Clause by approaching, discovering,understanding and applying it. experience “practice makes perfect”. * Step 1. 读诗找句,感知语法 (Approaching grammar) I’ll try The little boy who says “I’ll try ” Will climb to the hill top. The little boy who says “I can’t” Will be at the bottom stop. “I’ll try” does great things every day, “I can’t” gets nothing done; Be sure then that you say “I’ll try” And let “I can’t”alone. Poem 1 * Dreams Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird That can never fly. Hold fast to dreams, For when dreams go, Life is a barren field That cann’t grow. Poem 2 读诗找句,感知语法 (Approaching grammar) 梦想 紧紧抓住梦想不放, 因为如果梦想消逝, 人生便如折了翅膀的鸟儿 再也不能飞翔。 紧紧抓住梦想不放, 因为梦想一旦幻灭, 人生就是荒凉的土地, 草木不长。 * Step 2. 发现语法(Discovering grammar) 定 语 从 句 三 要 素 1. 先行词: (名词/代词/句子) 2. 位置:跟在先行词之后 3.关系词:引导定语从句且在从句充当 句子成分: (主语/宾语/定语/状语) 人 物 * Step 3. 破解语法(Defining grammar) 可供选择的关系词: who,whom, whose, that, which, when, where, why 指人:who,whom, whose,that 指物that,which,when, where,whose,why 主语:who,that 宾语:that,whom 定语: whose 主/宾which,that 定语: whose 地点状语:where 时间状语:when 原因状语:why * 限定性定从? Step 4 区别语法:tell the difference 1. My son, who studies in the United States, rang me yesterday. 2. My son who studies in the United States rang me yesterday. I have only one son ! I have more than one son ! 非限定性定从? 对先行词起限定/区别性 作用,是主句不可省略的 部分。 与先行词之间关系松散, 对先行词起补充说明的作用, 即使省略,不影响先行词的 所指意义。 * Jim has a brother who is worker. Jim has only one brother. Jim has more than one brother. 2. Jim has a brother, who is a worker. Jim has only one brother. Jim has more than one brother. What does the following two sentences imply? 区别语法:tell the difference * Step 5. 练习语法


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