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2018高考英语各题型提点I阅读理解提点:忠实原文+做标记+细心解题步骤:抓住文章中心意思(跳读首尾、浏览全文和题目、重复出现词汇)定位(根据题目关键词,标出文章出处)-------- 比对(选项与文章出处意思一致)主旨大意题:先概括,后比对谨记:1.“无根据、不选择”2. 先易后难,没把握的题放到最后做3. 一些表转折、因果的上下文连接词在浏览文章时就圈出BWinston Churchill is probably the most popular British prime minister ever. Having served his country as a soldier and politician, he is often considered among the greatest of Britons. But while his heroic stand against the Nazis is well known, there are still a few facts about the popular politician that might surprise you. The classic image of Winston?Churchill?includes?a?giant?cigar?stuck?between?his?lips. However, he?almost?never?took?a?puff,?preferring?to?chew?on?the?end?until?itwent out, then relight it and start again.Although?it’s?somewhat?overshadowed?by?his?political?career,?Winston?Churchill?was?an accomplished writer. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.His?first?book?wasThe Story?of?the?Malakand?Field?Force, a first-hand account of a military campaign in what is now Pakistan. Funnily?enough,?there?was an American writer named Winston Churchill active at the same time.Interestingly,?both?Churchills?published?their?first?books?in?1898, although the American Churchill was the first to become famous for his writing. Unsurprisingly, he?would finally be eclipsed (使黯然失色) by?the?fame?of?his British counterpart and is almost forgotten today. But at the time, the two writers were often confused with each other. To avoid further difficulty, the two Churchills eventually agreed that the British Churchill would publish as “Winston S. Churchill” while the American would simply go by “Winston Churchill”.In?December?1931,?Churchill?was?in?New?York. While?crossing?the street, he was hit by a car. As it turned out, Churchill had instinctively looked to the right when he wanted to cross. However, since cars drive on opposite sides of the road in America and Britain, he should actually have looked left. Instead, he stepped serenely into the path of an oncoming car. Fortunately, he pla


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