
Lesson 2 新闻标题措辞特点 .ppt

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Lesson 2 新闻标题措辞特点

标题的措辞特点 * * 简短动词的运用 缩写词的运用 节缩词的运用 灵活使用“生造词” 酌情采用外来语 英语新闻标题中常以单音节词代替长词或大词,多用短小精悍的词或字母最少的动词,少用意义空泛和概念抽象的词。这样,既可使语言通俗口语化,又可节省版面篇幅。 Musharraf-Bhutto talks stalled but not over —September 3, 2007 China Daily (stall=stagnate 停滞不前) Allowance to be cut in 200,000 families —South China Morning Post, April 10, 1992 (cut=reduce 削减;减少) Quake death toll may top 2,000 — China Daily, March 13, 1987 top=exceed, surpass 超越;超出 Anger, sadness mark Katrina anniversary —China Daily, August 30, 2007 mark=celebrate 庆祝 缩写词 (initials),又称首字母缩略词(acronyms) 它们将几个词的首字母集中在一起合成一词,全部用大写字母拼写而成,从而代替了一组冗长复杂的词或词组。 可节省版面标题词数 使人读来感觉简洁易记。 An environmental reporter finds hope at the NPC, CPPCC sessions —March 12, 2007 China Daily (NPC= National People’s Congress 全国人民代表大会 CPPCC=the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议) House committee questions NASA expertise —The Christian Science Monitor, Dec.1, 1986 (NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration) EU; the European Union UNESCO; the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization IMF; the International Monetary Fund ASEAN; the Association of South-East Asian Nations OPEC; the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克;石油输出国组织 IOC; the International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会 WTO; World Trade Organization AIDS; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 爱滋病 UFO; Unidentified flying object DJI; Dow-Jones index IT; information technology PC; personal computer VCD; video compact disc (激光视盘) DVD; digit video disc (数码影碟) SARS severe acute respiratory syndrom MP; members of parliament PM; prime minister CEO; chief executive officer VIP; very important people GM; general manager DM; defence minister 标题中出现的缩写词,不外乎为一般读者较熟悉或感觉陌生,它的全称一般均能在消息正文的第一段找到,所以读者只需将标题中的缩写词与第一段中的具体内容加以对照,意思就会明白。例如: Israeli DM may talk with Palestinians Jerusalem—Israel’s defense minister said yesterday he wants to hold security talks with Palestinians in the next few days, but the killing of a Palestinian teen only h


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