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南京大学金陵学院本科毕业论文院系资源环境与城乡规划管理学院专业国土资源与房地产开发题目以绿色科技地产为主题的房地产市场策略分析——以朗诗集团钟山绿郡项目为例南京大学金陵学院本科毕业论文中文摘要首页用纸毕业论文题目:以绿色科技地产为主题的房地产市场策略分析——以朗诗集团钟山绿郡项目为例中文摘要地产产业的发展,在为人们改善居住条件的同时,也对人们的健康安全以及赖以生存的环境产生了严重的危害。近年来各级政府对发展科技地产非常重视,学术界对发展科技地产的认识也取得了愈来愈多的共识,市场对科技地产产生强烈的需求,科技地产的建设变得尤为紧迫和必要,客观形势要求我们必须加快科技地产建设,特别是加强绿色生态地产、低碳地产和循环地产技术的应用,促进地产产业换代升级。绿色科技地产在中国仍然是一个新兴产物,市场接受度、认可度较低,要想将绿色科技地产推向全社会,实现真正的换代升级仍然需要一个长期的过程。本文通过分析研究绿色科技地产的内涵、特点,房地产市场的需求细分与目标定位,剖析以绿色科技地产为主题的房地产市场策略,并通过案例分析法,以绿色科技型地产项目—朗诗钟山绿郡花园解析其市场策略。通过本文研究,可以获取绿色科技地产的市场发展与营销策略,有利于推进绿色科技型地产的发展与推广。关键词:绿色科技地产;市场需求;目标定位;钟山绿郡花园南京大学金陵学院本科毕业论文英文摘要首页用纸THESIS: Take the green science and technology estate as the theme of real estate marketing strategy analysis -- take the Landsea project of Zhongshanlvjun as an example. AbstractThe development of real estate industry, in the improvement of living conditions for people at the same time, it also causes serious harm to peoples health and safety and the environment for the survival of the. In recent years, all levels of government on the development of science and technology estate attaches great importance to the understanding of the development of science and technology, real estate academic circles made more and more consensus, the market also have a strong demand for real estate technology, construction technology real estate has become particularly urgent and necessary, the objective situation demands that we must speed up scientific and technological estate construction, especially to strengthen the green ecological estate, application low carbon real estate and circular estate technology, promote the real estate industry upgrading.Green technology real estate is still an emerging products in China, market acceptance, acceptance is low, to green technology real estate to the whole society, realize the upgrading still need a long process.In this paper, through analyzing the connotation of green technology, real estate, market demand and the localization of the real estat



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