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汽车防盗系统的故障诊断 摘要:随着人民生活水平的不断提高,我国公车和私车的拥有量逐年增多,特别是轿车以很快的速度步入家庭,人们为了车辆的安全大都安装了汽车防盗报警系统。防盗报警系统是安全防范技术体系中一个重要的组成部分。从世界上第一辆T型福特牌轿车被盗开始,偷车已成为现今城市里最常见的犯罪行为之一。汽车数量增多,车辆被盗的数量也逐年上升,这给社会带来极大的不安定因素,担心车辆被盗,成为困扰每一位汽车用户的难题,随着敞篷汽车的流行,汽车门锁已无法成为万无一失的铁将军,使车门锁止系统的概念进一步被淡化,由此汽车防盗器也应运而生。由于防盗系统故障而是汽车被盗的事情时有发生,本论文将从几个方面详细分析了汽车防盗系统的结构、工作原理、常见故障的诊断与检修以及未来的发展趋势。 关键词:防盗系统故障;汽车防盗系统;工作原理;故障的诊断与分析 Abstract:With the improvement of people's life in our country, the bus and the fact the ownership increased year by year, especially the car fast into the family, and people to the vehicle's safety mostly installed the guard against theft alarm system. Security alarm system safety technology in the system is an important part. From the first a model T ford car stolen start, stealing cars has become the most common in the city now one of the crime. Car Numbers increased, the number of stolen vehicles has increased year by year, this brings to the society of great unrest, worry about stolen vehicles, a problem every car user problem, with the popularity of an open car, car door already can't be foolproof through innovative technology, made the car door lock the concept of system of check is further weaken, thus cardalarm also arises at the historic moment. As anti-theft system fault but the car was stolen things to happen from time to tome, this paper will be from several aspects the detailed analysis of the guard against theft system structure, working principle, common fault diagnosis and maintenance and the future trend of development. Key words : Guard against theft system fault; Guard against theft system;Working principle;Fault diagnosis and analysis 目    录 第1章 绪论 1 第2章 汽车防盗系统的基本类型 1 2.1 机械式防盗器结构 1 2.2 电子芯片式防盗器结构 1 2.3 GPS卫星定位汽车防盗系统 2 第3章 汽车防盗系统的常见故障 2 3.1 汽车防盗系统常见故障的检修方法 2 3.2 汽车防盗器常见故障疑难解答 4 第4章 典型车型分析 7 4.1 华晨宝马320i轿车防盗系统误报警故障 7 4.2 广州雅阁防启动控制系统及检修 8 第5章 结论 12 致 谢 13 参考文献 14 第一章 汽车防盗系统的概述及发展 1.1概念 1.1.1汽车防盗系统的定义 汽车防盗系统就是一种安装在车上,用来增加盗车难度,延长盗车时间的装置,是汽车的保护神。它通过将防盗器与汽车电路配接在一起,从而可以达到防止车辆被盗、被侵犯、保护汽车并


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