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尊敬的用户: Dear user: 您好! 非常感谢您选用我司优质数码产品。 Hello! Thank you very much for your choosing our high quality digital products. 重要声明 Important announcement 一、在使用本产品之前,请认真阅读本说明书,当您开始使用此产品时,本公司认为您已经认真阅读了本说明书。 One, before using this product, please carefully read this manual, when you begin to use this product, the company that you have carefully read this manual. 二、说明书的著作权归本公司所有,不得随意复制或翻译此使用说明书的全部或部分内容进行商业活动。 In two, manual CopyRight owned by the company, shall not be copied or translated the instructions for use all or part of the commercial activities. 三、说明书所涵盖的内容均是以此手册编写时机器的最新信息编写,如产品内容或参数有变更时,请以当前产品为准,恕不另行通知。如有需要,请到本公司网站上下载相关最新内容。 In three, the specifications of the contents of this manual are prepared when the machines to the latest information on writing, such as the contents of the product or the parameter changes, please refer to the product, without notice. If necessary, please go to the company web site to download the latest content. 四、作为移动存储产品,本公司强烈建议您在使用过程中进行数据备份,对于使用中由于任何原因引起的数据丢失,本公司对数据不承担任何责任。本公司只对于产品硬件本身承担有限的保修责任。 As of four, mobile storage products, the company strongly recommend that you use in the process of data backup, to use due to any cause data loss, the company does not assume any responsibility for data. The company only to the hardware itself bear limited warranty liability. 注意事项 Matters needing attention 本手册包含重要的安全措施和正确使用产品的信息,以避免事故发生,我们确信您在使用该产品之前已经仔细阅读该手册。 This manual contains important safety measures and correct usage of product information, in order to avoid the accidents, we are sure that you use the product before have carefully read the manual. ●请不要将产品放在高温、潮湿或粉尘多的地方;特别是夏天不要将产品放在窗户关闭的车内,或阳光可以直接照射的地方。 * Please do not put the product in high temperature, damp and dust many places; especially in the summer not to put the product in the windows closed inside the car, or the sun to local irradiation. ●请避免摔落或强烈碰撞产品,不要让显示屏遭到猛烈震动,否则可能导致显示屏损坏或显示不正常。 * please avoid falling or strong collision products, dont let the screen under strong shock, otherwise


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