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铁路货运业发展现代物流的对策分析 摘要 铁路运输系统是我国交通运输系统的重要组成部分,字建国以来就一直受到国家的高度重视,长期以来都是我国陆地交通运输的主力。但随着社会经济的发展和公路运输的发达,现代物流运输成为新时期一种新兴的、主流的交通运输手段,并严重冲击着我国传统的铁路交通运输系统,但我国目前物流系统与铁路货运系统的脱钩,使得彼此在发展上都受到一定的限制。作为传统的交通运输行业,铁路运输发展现代物流对我国对我国物流系统的发展极为重要,对铁路货运系统本身的改革发展也就要促进作用。因此,本文也将从现代物流的发展趋势和铁路货运的发展现状入手,全面分析我国铁路货运融入现代物流的必要性、可行性和重要意义,并在借鉴国外发达国家铁路物流先进经验的基础上,为我国铁路货运发展现代物流提供对策。 关键词:铁路货运,现代物流,发展对策 Railway freight industry development countermeasure analysis of modern logistics Abstract:Railway transportation system is an important part of transportation system in our country, the word has been since the founding of the country attaches great importance to and has long been the main land transportation in our country.But with the development of social economy and the development of highway transportation, modern logistics transportation become an emerging in the new period, the major means of transportation, and seriously impact the traditional railway transportation system in our country, but Chinas current logistics system and the decoupling of system for railway freight transportation, make each other are subject to certain restrictions on development.As the traditional transportation industry, developing modern logistics of railway transportation of our country is extremely important to the development of the logistics system of our country, the reform development of rail freight system itself also will promote role.Therefore, this article will from the development trend of modern logistics and the current situation of the development of railway freight transportation, the comprehensive analysis of Chinas railway freight into the necessity, feasibility and significance of modern logistics, and draw lessons from foreign railway logistics on the basis of the advanced experience of developed countries, the countermeasures for railway freight development of modern logistics in China. Keywords:Railway freight transportation, modern logistics, the development countermeasures 目 录 摘要………………………………………………


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