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引 言 本设计为内蒙古达拉特旗某钢框架教学楼楼建筑结构设计。此建筑为四层教学楼楼,结构体系为钢框架体系。钢框架体系是指沿房屋的纵向和横向均采用框架作为承重和抵抗侧力的主要构件所构成的结构体系,且一般可分为无支撑框架和有支撑框架两种形式,本结构为无支撑框架体系,仅由钢柱和钢梁组成,抗震设防烈度8度,设计基本加速度0.3g,框架的纵、横梁与柱的连接采用刚性连接。 框架结构体系的优点是能够提供较大的内部使用空间,建筑平面布置灵活,能适应多种类型的使用功能,结构简单,构件易于标准化和定型化,施工速度快,对层数不错的高层结构而言,该体系是一种比较经济合理、运用广泛的结构体系,而且常用于层数不超过 30 层的高层建筑。钢结构是主要的建筑结构类型之一是现代建筑工程中较普通的结构形式之一钢结构与普通钢筋混凝土结构相比,其匀质、高强、施工速度快、抗震性好和回收率高等优越性,在荷载相同的条件下,钢构件的质量轻。从被破坏方面看,钢结构是在事先有较大变形预兆,属于延性破坏结构,能够预先发现危险,从而避免。 毕业设计是大学四年来对所学土木工程知识的一次系统、全面的考察和总结,是大学重要的总结性教育。通过做毕业设计,使我对钢结构的学习和研究更为的深入,深化了我对土木工程专业知识的认知和理解。在做毕设的过程中通过查阅各种文献资料、规范案例,不仅拓展了我的知识面,也培养了我独立思考、查阅资料的能力。 关键词:钢结构 框架 刚性 结构 Abstract The design of Inner Mongolia Dalate flag on a steel frame building structural design of teaching building. This building is four teaching buildings, structure system for steel frame system. Steel frame system refers to the housing along vertical and horizontal adopt frame as a bearing and resist the lateral force is the main component of structure, and can generally be divided into no supporting frame and a supporting frame two forms, the structure is no supporting frame system, only by the steel column and steel girders, seismic fortification intensity8 degrees,0.3g design basic acceleration, the longitudinal frame, beam and column connection with rigid connection. Frame structure system has the advantage of being able to provide more interior space, building layout is flexible, can adapt to various types of functions, simple structure, easy standardization and formalization of component, fast construction speed, good in layers structure is concerned, this system is a more economical and reasonable, the use of a wide range of structural system, and commonly used in the number of not more than 30story high-rise building. Steel structure of the main types of building structures, is the modern construction than the ordinary form of the structure. Steel structure and a reinforced concrete structure, its uniformity, high strength, high construction speed,


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