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本科毕业设计(论文)·题目偏心配水器投捞器设计学生姓名学 号1103030143教学院系机电工程学院专业年级机械工程及自动化2011级指导教师职 称讲师单  位西南石油大学辅导教师职称单  位完成日期2015年06月01日Southwest Petroleum University Graduation ThesisDesign of Eccentric Water Distributor Pulling and Running ToolGrade: 2011Name: Du JinyiSpeciality: Mechanical Engineering and AutomationInstructor: Ye ZheweiSchool of Electrical Engineering2015-06摘要偏心配水器投捞器是一种与配水器配套使用的井下工具,用于对偏心配水器中的堵塞器实施投放、打捞的专用工具,是堵塞器更换水嘴必不可少的工具。在投捞器下放过程中,投捞爪能否下放到位,投捞爪能否张开到位是影响投捞器投捞成功率的关键因素。本课题对投捞器投捞爪和凸轮控制装置进行改进设计,在投堵塞器的下入过程中,要确保投捞爪以及堵塞器完全收入投捞器的腔体内,不超过投捞器本身的最大直径,取消了投捞接头处的扭簧结构,提高了投捞的可靠性。对凸轮的外轮廓线进行改进,使得当凸轮转过一定角度后,投捞爪就能被释放,凸轮在下入过程中也要收入投捞器的最大直径内,上提时凸轮顺时针转动,释放投捞爪,导向爪的释放装置与投捞爪处的释放装置相似。把导向和投捞分工化,比传统投捞器导向和投捞都由投捞爪来完成更可靠,提高投捞的合格率。关键词:偏心配水器;投捞器;堵塞器;AbstractEccentric water and pulling is a down hole tool and supporting the use of water distribution, for eccentric water blockage in the delivery device embodiment, special tools salvage is clogged replacement faucet indispensable tool. Fishing in the investment process is decentralized, and pulling claw can decentralization in place, and pulling open the claw can be a key factor in place and pulling and pulling device success rate impact. The issue of control and pulling and pulling jaws and cam control means to improve the design, in the next vote plugging into the process, to ensure tripping claw and packer are completely within investment income is fishing, not more than tripping device itself The maximum diameter of the abolition of the joints and pulling torsion structure and improve the reliability of tripping. The outer contour of the cam is improved so that when the cam rotated a certain angle, and pulling claw can be released into the maximum diameter of the cam in the next process should revenue tripping device, when the lift cam clockwise, release tripping pawl release means and the guide pawl release means and pulling claws at similar. The division of the fishing guide and investment than the traditional cast fishing is fishing guide and cas


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