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OpenGL Programming Guide Errata - Fifth Edition If youve found something you believe is in error, please send us a note using this link. You can find erratas for previous versions here. page 87 - The third parameter, stride, in the glColorPointer() and glVertexPointer() calls is incorrectly specified as 3*sizeof(GLfloat). The correct specification is 6*sizeof(GLfloat). (reported by Richard Chaney) page 377 - The paragraph beginning The width and height parameters give the dimensions of the texture image; ... lacks a discussion of non-power-of-two textures. The paragraph should read (with text additions presented in red): The width and height parameters give the dimesions of the texture image; border indicates the width of the border, which is either 0 (no border) or 1. Both width and height must have the form 2m + 2b, where m is a non-negative integer (which can have a different value for width than for height) and b is the value of border. The maximum size of a texture map depends on the implementation of OpenGL, but it must be at least 64?×?64 (or 66?×?66 with borders). For OpenGL 2.0 implementations, the power-of-two dimension requirement has been eliminated. The same clarification should also be added to the other glCopyTexImage2D() (page 379), glTexImage1D() (page 385), glCopyTexImage1D() (page 386), glTexImage3D() (page 388) function descriptions, as well as for the glCompressedTexImage1D(), glCompressedTexImage2D(), and the glCompressedTexImage3D() function descriptions (page 393). (reported by Paul Martz) page 627 - In the first paragraph of the Vertex Processing section, the second sentence should read: The shader area indicates the functions of the vertex processing pipeline that are replaced by the vertex shader. (reported by Kouichi Matsuda) page 637 - In the shaded box for glDeleteShader(), the description should read: Deletes shader. If shader is currently linked to one or more active shader programs, the object is tagged for deletion, and only


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