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program pl0(fa,fa1,fa2); (* PL0 compile with code generation *) label 99; (* Turbo Pascal do not support goto between different blocks so, the goto command in getch are replaced by procedure exitp !! in another way, label 99 do not work !! Lin Wei 2001 *) const norw=13; (* of reserved words *) txmax=100; (* length of identifier table *) nmax=14; (* max number of digits in numbers *) al=10; (* length of identifiers *) amax=2047; (* maximum address *) levmax=3; (* max depth of block nesting *) cxmax=200; (* size of code array *) type symbol=(nul,ident,number,plus,minus,times,slash,oddsym, eql,neq,lss,leq,gtr,geq,lparen,rparen,comma, semicolon,period,becomes,beginsym,endsym,ifsym, thensym,whilesym,writesym,readsym,dosym,callsym, constsym,varsym,procsym); alfa=packed array[] of char; objects=(constant,variable,procedur); (* wirth used the word procedureandobject there, which wont work! *) symset=set of symbol; fct=(lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc); instruction=packed record f:fct; (* function code *) l:0..levmax; (* level *) a:0..amax; (* displacement addr *) end; (* lit 0,a load constant a opr 0,a execute opr a lod 1,a load variable 1,a sto 1,a store variable 1,a cal 1,a call procedure at level 1 int 0,a increment t -register by a jmp 0,a jump to a jpc 0,a jump conditional to a *) var fa:text; fa1,fa2:text; listswitch:boolean; (* true set list object code *) ch:char; (* last char read *) sym:symbol; (* last symbol read *) id:alfa; (* last identifier read *) num:integer; (* last number read *) cc:integer; (* character count *) ll:integer; (* line length *) kk:integer; cx:integer; (* code allocation index *) line:array[1..81] of char; a:alfa; code:array[0..cxmax] of instruction; word:array[1..norw] of alfa; wsym:array[1..norw] of symbol; ssym:array[ ..^] of symbol; (* wirth uses array[char] here *) mnemonic:array[fct] of packed array[1..5] of char; declbegsys, statbegsys, facbegsys:symset; table:array[0..txmax] of record name:alfa; case kind:objects of constant:(val


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