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免费并具有电子环境友好的特点free and E-Environment-Friendly 一套百科全书 a full set of encyclopedia 网络垃圾 cyber trash 特别是网络垃圾成为一项难题时,维基百科以合作并分享的方式积累并优化信息的利用。 Wikipedia works on collaboration and sharing of information that actually is a way of pooling and optimizing the use of resources, especially when cyber trash is becoming a problem. 她开始糊涂了。 She is becoming confused. 他越来越难以靠他的工资维持生计了。 It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary. 非盈利项目 non-profit project 这是一个适当的比喻,因为维基百科实际上是合作的产物,凭借着各行各业人们的努力积累,才成就了维基百科的成功。 This is an apt metaphor, because Wikipedia is collaborative in nature; cumulative effort of people from all walks of life contributes to the success of Wikipedia. 然而正因为它这个特点,这个在线百科全书很容易出现不精准的信息,甚至有人恶意捣乱。 However, due to this nature, the online encyclopedia is susceptible to inaccuracies or vandalism. 不同的写作风格会破坏阅读时思维的连贯性,这在另一方面可能会被视为一种“优点”。 The difference writing styles are distracting to a coherent thought in reading…… 作为在线百科全书,维基百科支持多种语言(以及方言)。 Wikipedia as an online encyclopedia is available in many languages (dialects as well). 其中一个不被接受的原因就是它不够精准,也没有检验的机制。 One of the reasons for not accepting it is the problem of inaccuracies and no mechanism for checking. 这有点讽刺,维基百科独特的合作特点使它受到冷遇。 There is a little irony that Wikipedia’s unique collaborative nature is doing it some disfavor. ……..会发现一些链接无法进入或与课题无关。 Some of them are dead links or not related to the topic. dead matches 擦过的火柴 There are two dead bottles of wine on the table. 桌子上有两个空酒瓶 a dead language 死语言(不再通用) Many believe that the peace plan is dead. 许多人认为和平计划已经成泡影。 另一个关于维基百科在大学论文中使用的主要弊病是导师不认可它是一种有效的参考依据。 accept wikipedia as a valid reference 但经过进一步推敲,那些并不完全是“弊端”。 But on a closer analysis, they are not exactly “drawbacks”. 搜索的目的就是向学生提供一个机会让他们仔细检查各种来源的信息并学会区分正确信息与错误信息的技能。 toequip them with skills to differentiate the wrong information from the correct ones 比如,我们认为染色体X和Y决定新生儿的性别。 An example would be the X and Y chromosomes that we thought were responsible for determining the gender of babies. 更确切的说,这是因为作为科学家和政治家,他们


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