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EIMS 系统-OA 子系统的设计与开发 摘 要 EIMS 系统(Education Information Management System 教育信息管理系统) -OA 子系统是依据云南省玉溪市各级教育部门及教学单位的具体需求,设计并 开发和实现的一套小型办公自动化系统,它解决了相关教育部门及教学单位的行 政人员在办公和管理工作中效率低下的问题。本论文中所设计的 OA 子系统,作 为 EIMS 系统的一个组成部分,采用了 J2EE 架构和 MVC 模式,并结合使用 JSP、 Struts、Servlet、JavaBeans 及 AJAX 等新技术,在自行设计实现的公文流转算 法和综合查询算法的基础上,完成了 OA 子系统中的部门管理、教师/办公人员信 息管理、类型管理、公文流转路径管理、公文流转申请、公文处理、公文归档、 公文查询、任务/计划类型管理、任务/计划管理、任务处理和任务查询共十一项 功能,基本上满足各级教育单位的办公管理需要,解决了目前专门应用于教育教 学相关方面的办公自动化系统所存在的灵活性不高、功能限制较多和可操作性不 强等问题,此 OA 子系统也为基于 B/S 架构下的办公自动化软件的设计与实现提 供了一套具有参考价值的设计方案。 关键词:B/S;J2EE;办公自动化;公文流转算法;综合查询算法 The Designation and Realization of The Office Automation Subsystem of The EIMS Abstract The Office Automation Subsystem of The EIMS(Education Information Management System) aims at improving the low degree of the informatization and the inefficient on the office affairs management in numerous education units in yuxi city of yunnan province.To be a subsystem of EIMS which have already had the independent intellectual property rights,the project is designed and developed to be an office automation system which is based at the demand of these education departments and will be able to used widely on the office affairs management for the clerks in these departments.The subsystem adopts the model of MVC and the framework of J2EE which is based upon B/S(Browse and Server) model and can be combined with JSP and Struts and Servlet plus JavaBeans those have been made use of in the subsystem.Also in the process of realization,we have made use of the AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) and at last finished eleven functions as followed:the department management,the management of the basic Information of the clerk,the type management,the management of document Transmit Route,the Application of document,document transaction,the document pigeonhole,document quer


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