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摘要 水平的不断发展,使整个社会的生产力得到了空前的进步,不断催生而出的新的加工制造技术越来越多地运用于生产实践之中,并对社会进步发挥这巨大的推进作用。当前,机械制造业发展的一个明显的趋势是越来越广泛的运用数控技术。普通机床逐渐被高效率、高精度的数控机械所代替。数控机床是数控机械的典型代表。 借于以上,本设计改变了普通车床被淘汰的命运,将其数控化改造。设计的题目是:车床C6140数控化的改造,其主要对机械传动部分、CNC系统、检测装置的设计和对电动机的选择。 本设计的数控车床主轴运动采用三相交流电动机,进给运动采用了直流伺服电动机,它有低转速大惯量、启动力矩大、低速运转平稳、输出力矩大等优点。而PWM调速方式能实现正反转和调速,大大简化了传统机床传动部分的结构,拓宽了加工范围,提高了生产效率。机械进给传动为滚珠丝杠传动,齿轮传动;减小了传动误差,并且有光电编码盘转速信号的反馈,提高了零部件的加工精度。 本设计获得成果:归纳了大学三年来所学的知识。了解了现代数控车床的内部结构和运行,提高了对机械部件以及整个机床的设计能力,理论联系了实践。 关键词 技术 车床 电动机 精度 With the development of technology, the capacity of the whole society has greatly grown. So a lot of new technology comes out, and which will do huge function to the society in the production, At present, one of the clear standard to judge the development of the mechanism production industry is how the numerical widely used in the industry. The fact is that ordinary tool is gradually replaced by numerical one which is more efficient and high precision. So numerical is the representative of the numerical mechanism. Because of the above easy, here I designed to revolute its numerical to change the replacement fate of the ordinary. Subject is THE NUMERICAL REVOLUTION OF TOOL C6140, the main parts are engine drive, CNC system, and design of inspects equipment and the electromotor selecting. Three-direction alternating current electromotor is used, and direct current electromotor is used, which has the advantage of low rotate speed big inertia, huge startup drive, stable low speed movement, and huge output moment. while PWM timing way can realize as well as positive and negative moving and timing, which greatly simplified the traditional constructure of tool, widen the production extension, improve its efficiency. Gear driving, decrease the drive error, what is more, it has the signal feedback of the photo electricity, thus improve its precision. What to get after done this design: re-learn the knowledge of three years in school, mastered the inter-constructure of numerical tool, mak


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