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黑龙江工程学院职业技术学院 学生毕业论文 系部名称: 土木工程系 专业班级: 道桥Z09-4班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一二年六月 沥青混凝土路面施工 学生姓名: 专 业:道路桥梁工程技术 层 次: 专 科 指导老师: 黑龙江工程学院职业技术学院 二○一二年六月 摘 要 摘要:? 随着交通的日益发展,对道路质量提出了更高的要求,而道路路基施工质量直接影响到路面使用品质。要做到路基的坚固而稳定,必须精心施工,才能建成高质量的路基工程。沥青混凝土路面施工是公路工程施工中一道关键工序,根据从事施工的工作体验出发,谈及该类路面施工中前场和后场的工艺控制及质量管理的各个环节,并对现场施工具有一定的作用自修建第一条高速公路开始至今,高等级公路大多数都采用沥青混凝土路面。沥青混凝土施工逐步引起了大家广泛关注。根据现代交通的要求,沥青混凝土路面必须具有足够的强度、足够的稳定性(包括干稳定性、水稳定性、温度稳定性)、足够的平整度、足够的抗滑性和尽可能低的扬尘性。针对这些要求,我们在沥青混凝土路面施工中,从选材到工艺控制、现场施工都加以严格的控制。通过对多条高等级公路的施工,从中总结出如何控制沥青混凝土施工质量和控制施工质量的方法以及对其他施工质量控制能有借鉴、参考作用关键词:路面施工 质量控制沥青砼路面?平整度?摊铺?压 With the increasing development of urban transport, the quality of municipal roads a higher demand, while the road sub grade construction quality directly affects the quality of pavement. To achieve a strong and stable sub grade must be careful construction to build the quality of the sub grade. Asphalt concrete pavement construction is a key process in the Highway Construction, engaged in construction work experience to talk about all aspects of the type of road construction in the frontcourt and backcourt process control and quality management, and site construction has a certain role. To build first expressway from Heilongjiang Province since the beginning, most of the high-grade highways with asphalt concrete pavement. Asphalt concrete gradually aroused widespread concern. According to the requirements of modern traffic, asphalt concrete pavement must have sufficient strength and adequate stability (including stem stability, water stability, temperature stability), sufficient flatness, adequate slip resistance and the lowest possible dust sex. In response to these requests, we are in the construction of asphalt concrete pavement, from selection to process control, on-site construction are to be strictly controlled. Through th


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