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上海交通大学工程硕士学位论摘要和“放弃计算匹配细节”等独到的设计特点,系统内部高效运作,很好地完成了设计任务。文章在最后给出的逻辑测试和性能测试证明, 系统不仅很好地完成了设计逻辑,并且拥有良好的加速效果,表明了 本次科研设计是成功的。本文的创新和贡献在于:(1)总结了当前各种正则表达式的实现技 术,结合了软件解决方案和硬件解决方案的优点,创新出软硬件协同 工作的解决方案。(2)在嵌入式领域上提高了正则表达式的匹配速度,有力地支持了路由器等设备,拓展了正则表达式在嵌入式平台上的应用领域。关键词:正则表达式,路由应用,嵌入式,硬件加速THE RESEARCH AND IMPLEMENTATION FORTHE MATCHING SYSTEM OF REGULAR EXPRESSION IN BGP PROTOCOLABSTRACTRegular expression is a hot technology of character matching and applied in BGP. The content of this paper is how to improve the efficiency of the matching of the regular expression. In BGP, the regular expression is implemented by software and used to filter routing information. But much routing transaction and its efficiency influence theefficiency of the BGP a lot. Therefore,how to improve its efficiency isthe key point and this project is designed for this demand.After the research of implementing method of regular expression at home and abroad, this paper brings forward a new technology to implement the matching of the regular expression. With the application background of routing protocol, it runs on embedded platform and uses the algorithm of POSIX library of regular expression. Through combining software’s flexibility and hardware’s high speed, the embedded Linux system and FPGA work together to accelerate the matching of the regular expression.In specific implementation, the system is divided into a module of software system, a module of hardware system and communication interface. Firstly, a regular expression and a string are inputted into the module of software system. It runs on embedded Linux system and uses stack to compile the regular expression into implementation codes which can be read and implemented by computer, and generates the data of fastmap. Because the module of software system and the module of hardware system run on different platforms whose speed are also different, the communication interface is charged of communicating between them. The module of hardware system runs on FP


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