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Alternative Wisdom 7 Ways to Zig When Everyone Else is Zagging The world is whizzing by and your heads spinning. Change isnt just constant. Its freaking relentless. The information flows a gusher. The order of the day? Chaos. Lets see. What was that plan you made to stay sane? But heres something to consider. One cool way to cut through the madness is to forge your own trail. Cutting left when everyones heading right can be a great adventure. Alternative wisdom is the backbone of every great breakthrough. Think Einstein,think Curie,think... Einstein Curie Steady your pace when everyone else is accelerating. 大家冲锋陷阵的时候,你选择步步为营。 Faster, faster. Its the call of the modern age. We have the need for speed, or so we think.But while youre pushing the pedal to the metal just to keep up with the Joneses, ask where everybodys going and why theyre in such a hurry. An old saying:Slow and steady wins the race.Find your pace and know where youre headed. Its better than getting nowhere fast. 7 Ways Follow your instincts when everyone else is following trends. 大家顺应潮流的时候,凭自己的直觉做事。 If the hot trends leave you cold, follow the trend from within. 7 Ways Its the surest way to a path that keeps you warm. Work on mastering the pieces when everyone else is working on a masterpiece. 大家都在为了成为大师而努力的时候,先掌握真功夫。 Everyone wants to be a master,but... Some want to write the great American novel,but... Others dream of being millionaires,but... While everyone else has their eyes on the prize, focus your sights on the hundred and one steps it takes to win it, and master them one at a time. Youll need to learn to draw a straight line before you can paint the Mona Lisa. 7 Ways 7 Ways Speak softly when everyone else is shouting. 大家吵得声嘶力竭的时候,轻声细语保持实力。 When every things printed in bold red letters, a message written in small ita


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