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雅思2015年作文真题 篇一:2015年12月19日雅思写作真题回忆 备考雅思写作考试,考生要关注每一次的考题回顾,这将对考生的复习带来很大的帮助。下面,前程百利小编为大家带来2015年12月19 日雅思写作真题回忆,可供参考。 Task 1 题目: The bar charts show the employment rate of men and women aged between 60 and 64 indifferent countries in 1991 and 2001. 分析: 本次小作文考察的为柱状图。根据性别,题目给出了两个柱状图,要求比较的是两个不同年份之间的数据。此题较为筒单,根据所给的两个图,主体段可以相应地划分为两段描述。 参考范文:(由于数据的缺失,此范文给出的为大致写法) Word count: 187 The two bar charts demonstrate how the employment situation of males and females whose ages were from 60 to 64 changed in four different countries (USA, Japan, Australia and ?) in two years, 1991 and 2001 respectively. The first chart illustrates that the employment rate of men was higher in the year 1991 than that in 2001 in all the countries listed. Among the four countries, Japan enjoyed the highest employment rate in both of the years (?% in 1991, ?% in 2001). By contrast, the country ? ranked the second place in 1991 but its figure dropped to the last place in 2001. In contrast, the employment situation of women in the four countries varied with each other. For instance, both Japan and ?witnessed a decrease of employment rate during the ten years, while the USA and Australia experienced an increase. Meanwhile, in both of the years,Australia and ? had lower employment rate than that in the USA and Japan. To sum up, males and females experienced different employment situations during the ten years, however, males enjoyed a higher employment rate than females in general. Task 2 题目类别: 文化生活类 提问方式: 双边讨论类 考试题目: Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aims at tourists, other people believe that it is the only way to save such conditions in the world today. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 分析: 到了年末,雅思也要开始放大招了。这道题目的观点不好构思,关键是拓展也不是很简单,所以下面附上因果链,供考生们参考。 将传统文化作为赚钱的工具一只会选择那些有利可图的文化项目----其他文化传统会受到漠视一文化多样性降低 将传统文化作为赚钱的工具----将其变得更加商业化---扭曲其本质,变得没有味道,失去原味----摧毁其文化将传统作为赚钱的工具----通过旅游业获得更多的资金…用于传统文化的保护


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