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摘要 消防是防火和灭火的总称。我国消防工作执行“预防为主,防消结合”的方针。火灾自动报警系统与控制是智能楼宇自动化系统的一个重要组成部分,它的工作可靠、技术先进是控制火灾蔓延、减少灾害、及时有效扑灭的关键。本设计是在满足国家相关消防规范的要求下,针对火灾可能发生的场所进行火灾危险性分析,从而确定所采用的火灾自动报警及自动灭火系统,并进行详细的设计。 本论文是给南昌安源科技信息大楼进行建筑消防设计。建筑规模为地上十九层,地下一层,建筑高度为71.8m。建筑防火分类为一类高层办公楼,耐火等级为地下一级,地上一级。本次设计针对灾报警与消防联动控制系统展开,主要是消防系统的感应机构,即探测器、手动报警按钮、报警器、警报器、消火栓按钮等报警系统,和其执行机构,即消火栓灭火系统、火灾事故广播、防排烟系统、防火卷帘门等灭火系统及各种联动控制系统的具体设置和产品选型。火灾探测器选用海湾公司的产品。充分考虑实际现场的特点,提出切实可行的方案,并根据设计说明书要求绘制了总的系统图。 关键词:综合办公楼;消防;火灾报警;探测器;联动控制 Abstract Fire control is the floorboard of fire prevention and fire fighting. Fire control work in our country carry out the policy of prevention, extinguish combined with prevention. Automatic fire alarm system and control is the intelligent building automation system of an important component. Its reliable job and advanced technology is the key to control the fire spreading, reduce disasters and put out timely and effectively. This design is in meet the relevant national fire protection under the requirement of the specifications, and in the places where the fire can happen fire hazard analysis, so as to determine the automatic fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system, and detailed design. The present paper is to Nanchang AnYuan Science and Technology Information Building fire design. There are 19 floors above ground and 1 floors underground in the building. Height of the building is 71.8m. From the perspective of fire protection, it belongs to the first class of high-rise commercial and residential. From the perspective of fire resistance rating, it belongs to the first-level protection. This paper mainly introduces fire alarm and fire linkage control system of the?? AnYuan Science and Technology Information Building, which contains the induction of fire fighting system that detectors、 manual alarm button、alarms、fire hydrant buttons alarm system, and its implementing agencies, namely fire hydrant system、fire radio、smoke Systems、fire shutter doors fire extinguishing system. It a



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