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Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer 60/2007, 2 101-104 101 Introduction T. Hirooka, J. Schneider, R. Masters and T. Büschbell Flubendiamide is the first insecticide Researchers at Nihon Nohyaku were belonging to a new chemical class named particularly interested in the mode of benzenedicarboxamides or phthalic acid action, assuming an influence on the cal- diamides. Nihon Nohyaku discovered cium channel that seemed to be involved flubendiamide in 1998 and decided in in muscle contraction. Since 2001 the 2000 to develop the compound in Japan. establishment of the global joint project In 2001 Nihon Nohyaku and Bayer team has dramatically accelerated the re- CropScience decided in favour of a search on the mode of action. It was global joint development and a project shown that flubendiamide acts directly team was formed. on the intracellular calcium homeostasis This edition of the Pflanzenschutz- activating the ryanodine-sensitive cal- Nachrichten Bayer summarises the ac - cium release channel (ryanodine recep- cumulated knowledge gained by Nihon tors, RyR). Flubendiamide is now classi- Nohyaku and Bayer CropScience fied in group 28 (RyR modulator) in demonstrating in more than one way that the IRAC classification. It is an excellent flubendiamide is a new class of insecti- choice in resistant management strategies cide. for lepidopteran pests. The first characteristic of flubendiamide The excellent biological profile is the is its unique chemical struct



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