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双语:如何写好奥斯卡感言 45 seconds. One billion viewers. Oscar winners are given one of the largest platforms in the world for public speech. Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech. The Napkin Speech? ???? A repugnant form of false modesty somehow the winners always end up pulling out some chicken scratch speech written on a lottery ticket or coaster. Forgive me, one 2006 winner said, I wrote this on my valet parking ticket. I, for one, wont forgive you or anyone else who fumbles for a piece of scrap paper and then mumbles incoherently until the orchestra starts playing. Wheres your sense of show? Thanking Your Agent ???? If you dont thank everyone at CAA you might as well take that shovel from the hands of the golden statue and start digging your own grave. Or at least thats the common thought. Nowadays, people just rattle off a bunch of studio heads. I say if youre going to give us a laundry list of names, at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way, as Tom Hanks once did. When to pull out the tears ???? This is a tough one. Tears can be moving or just plain distracting. Its all in the timing, so never cry before reaching the podium. Sniffling is acceptable, and wiping tears is downright encouraged, but if one of the presenters has to help you off stage, then your performance has gone too far. Also, and this is important, the supporting actor or actress should never cry. Theyre receiving an Oscar for being supportive, not for being a blubbery mess. Be Yourself, Even if That Self is Shallow ????? When Cher won an Oscar for her role in Moonstruck, she received a lot of flack for showering her makeup artist, hairdresser, and assistant with thanks, while failing to mention her co-stars or director. While this may have been politically incorrect, at least she said what was on her mind, which is something that has been absent from Oscar speeches of recent memory. Never Underestimate the Appeal of Your Mother ????? Thanking your mom is a must. Its


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