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Our national treasure——the giant panda The introduction of the giant panda The giant panda is a historical animal and is called “the living fossil” the animal experts. They distribute in the northwest of Sichuan Province, Shanxi Province and the south of Gansu Province. The giant panda is also called “mao xiong ”.Most of them are fat. The pandas look like the bears but they are smaller in size. They are easily recognized for their legs, shoulders, ears and oval patches around the eyes are black, and the rest of the coat is white . habitat ? ? The panda lives in thick bamboo and coniferous forests (evergreens with seed cones) at 8,500 to 11,500 feet elevation. Pandas feed mostly on bamboo, a tall woody plant which is full of fiber, the bamboo rat is also their food. But the pandas’ digestive system does not absorb the fiber, so it must eat a lot. Usually ,they eat 10 several kilograms of bamboos. Why the giant panda is endangered ? Deforestation The deforestation area of the pandas’ habitat is at least 10,000 ha and their habitat disappear at 2.5 square kilometers every year. Too many capture From the mid-50s, more than 240 pandas have been caught in the wild to display at home and abroad, including more than 110 in Baoxing , 60 in Pingwu.,resulting in population structure of the two counties were destroyed, a significant number of decline. According to life table analysis of giant panda, which takes about a generation of 12 years, population growth is slow, if caught in large numbers, even in the case of protection of well, it will take decades to recover; 数量大幅度下降。根据大熊猫生命表分析,它们一个世代约需12年,种群增长很慢,如果大量捕捉,即使在保护得好的情况下,也需要几十年才能恢复; 熊貓的主要食糧是竹,牠們亦會捕食小動物如「竹鼠」(bamboo rat)作糧食,野外大熊貓吃的竹只有40種,最喜歡吃的有2-6種,包括冷箭竹(Bashania fangiana)、 秦嶺箭竹(Fargesia Qinlingensis)及華西箭竹(Fargensia nitida)等竹。他們每天需要吃十公斤竹子呢! * * the food of giant pandas Huamei and her candidate husband P.3 竹鼠 冷箭竹 我很酷吧! 好累哦 我们是Twins! 我很可爱吧! 外形特点 生长环境 生活习性 活动范围 繁殖


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